When you're right here [Lou x Debbie]

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When you're right here
by 2_years_apocalypse

Set pre-heist, right after Debbie murdered (or at least should have murdered) Claude with a toothbrush

"So, did you...?" Lou asked, making a face, and stabbing the air with Debbie's handmade toothbrush shiv.

"No", Debbie smirked and sent the top button of Claude Becker's shirt over the table to Lou, putting another bite of their take-out food in her mouth. "Just a little button".

Lou chuckled softly and looked at Debbie, clearly both amused and impressed. God, she had missed Debbie so bad. The realization hit her like a punch in the gut. She hadn't really allowed herself to actually feel anything since she got the text from Debbie the night before, and now it all seemed to hit her with full force all at once, catching her off-guard. Debbie, ever so observant noticed of course and shot her a curious look, but Lou was quick to regain her composure, steering the conversation into a less loaded direction that was kept up for the next twenty or so minutes.

After dinner Debbie poured them each a glass of wine. She brought both glasses with her and walked over to sit on the couch in the middle of the loft as Lou put the dishes away and threw the take-out cartons in the bin.

When Lou came to join her Debbie shifted on the couch and moved her jacket that she had thrown over the back of the couch after taking it off, making room for Lou, who despite her lean figure always managed to take up a lot of space. They sit quietly for a while, listening to the low music Lou had put on.

"I've really missed your ass Ocean" Lou said sincerely, breaking the silence and looking at Debbie. "Yeah?" Debbie answered, raising an eyebrow and a smug smile spreading across her face. "Just my ass?"

Lou grinned and suddenly all the other parts of Debbie she had been missing was filling her mind and she felt her heart beating faster. "Maybe some other parts too", she said with a playful smile, putting down her glass on the table and reaching for Debbie's glass as well.

"Yeah? Which ones?", Debbie asked, letting Lou take her glass and trying to sound as unaffected as possible, which was not very easy with Lou looking at her like that.

"I've missed your pretty neck". Lou spoke slowly, inching closer to Debbie and reaching out to touch her. Debbie let out a shaky breath and felt her eyes flutter closed at the contact as Lou slowly traced her smooth fingers from Debbie's collarbone, up to her jaw.

"And I've missed your lips" she continued in a deep voice, lifting Debbie's chin to make her look at her. Oh, those icy blue eyes of Lou Miller. Debbie was sure they were going to be the death of her one day. All those years in prison without Lou's touch, without Lou's eyes on her and now all of a sudden being here in this moment with Lou's presence so very strong and real – it was almost overwhelming. Not one night in all those years behind bars had she not thought about Lou, and now here she was, and Debbie ached to be closer to her - to feel Lou's strong, gentle hands on her body, her breath on her skin, hearing the sweet noises she makes when Debbie touches her.

"Will you please just kiss them then?", Debbie asked in a trembling voice that was on the verge of begging. She leaned closer to Lou who didn't waste another second, putting a hand behind Debbie's neck and pulling her in for their first kiss in years. Every thought that Debbie had had of taking it slow vanished completely the moment she felt Lou's hot mouth against her own – her warm tongue pushing against Debbie's lips, asking for entrance. Debbie parted her lips eagerly, letting Lou lick deep into her mouth. The blood in her veins was suddenly on fire and she felt a rush of arousal shoot through her body.

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