no title [Lou x Debbie]

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no title
by blackacre13

"He saw you?" Lou asked, looking at Debbie over the food and trying not to wonder the last time she'd seen Debbie in this dress. Maybe she hadn't. Maybe she'd only worn it because of Claude. After all, the two of them weren't the only ones who had their own secrets and story and history. Even if it made her grit her teeth and set fire to her veins.

"Oh, yeah," Debbie whispered, entirely smug.

"Why would you do something like that?" Lou teased, partially hoping for an honest answer.

Debbie thought for a beat, pretending to consider answering with the truth instead of something funny or sarcastic like she did. Like they both did.

"Closure?" She offered.

"Bullshit." Lou chuckled.

Debbie slid the shiv along the table towards Lou and the screech was like tires on a wet highway, Lou's heart sliding along with it.

"Jesus," Lou muttered, picking it up and examining it as she felt a sharp, weird pang in her chest all of a sudden.

"So did you..." Lou sighed.

The brunette slid a button across the table in the same path the shiv had slid towards Lou.

"Just a little button..."

Lou laughed, deciding to brush it off, even admittedly proud that Debbie had gone after him right away, seeking him out to let him know that she was free, she was here, and she was not fucking around. But it was Lou who wanted to and who should've been doing the threatening. And she wouldn't have stopped at a measly little button.

Debbie grinned and nodded, setting her chopsticks back towards the food.

A sudden white heat flashed over Lou and she couldn't tell whether she felt like she was going to pass out on the table or throw up on the floor. She just knew she had to move. Right then. Right now.

The Australian put down the shiv, watching it and Debbie's face as they seemed to move in slow motion. She could feel her chest racing, her breath catching in her throat as her brain panicked. She didn't know what was happening to her or her body.

The blonde made to stand as she realized her chest was racked with sobs and she was crying without tears, stumbling from her seat as she struggled to stand up straight, Debbie racing to her side to wrap her arms around her as Lou tried to fight her off.

"I'm fine," Lou panted. "Deb, I'm—I'm fine. Back off."

Debbie stepped back as Lou swatted at her as if she'd been burned, but remained standing still staring at Lou as if she was in a trance.

"Lou?" She whispered, sounding meek and shy for one of the few rare times in her life.

Lou didn't know what was happening. She was starting to scratch at her chest. It was too hot. Too much. Too real.

"Why did you go after him?" Lou finally managed to breath out, her voice cracked and raspy like she was trying to use it after having not spoken in years. But that's exactly what was happening, wasn't it? Almost six years and she had snapped.

"Baby, you know I—"

"Baby?" Lou spat, her shaking turning into laughter as she finally managed to stand straight up, wrapping her robe tighter around her. "I finally get you home. Finally, know you're safe. Here. With me. And the first thing you do is go right after him."

"I wasn't going after him," Debbie hissed.

"You ran right into his fucking arms, Deborah," Lou yelled. "Your first night here. Your first night free. From prison, Debbie. From Fucking prison. Where he landed you. Where he ruined your life. And the first chance you get, you go right after him. Jesus. I mean when is it my turn? When do I get to take care of you and protect you and...and..."

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