no title [Hela x reader]

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by paradisejhs

Summary: With Asgard destroyed, Thor and Loki have some pressing matters on hand, but they need to leave their sister, who survived Ragnarok, somewhere to be taken care of. Somehow, they end up knocking on your door. 

They'd shown up on your doorstep without any real warning. Thor (with only one eye), Loki, and a scowling dark-haired figure with shackles around her wrists and a mouthguard.

You had a pot of tea in your hands and nearly spilled the contents on their feet at the startling sight of the trio.

"Uh-, hi?" you stammered.

"Y/N!" Thor began, bellowing loudly with a hand clapping you on the shoulder. "How lovely it is to see you. It's been, what, ages, really!"


"Mind if we come in?" Loki said dryly, but Thor was already pushing his way through, shoving their prisoner in front of him and making his way to your living room.

"Wha, uh, what exactly is going on?" you stammered, following them quickly. "Why are you here?"

Thor was already rummaging through your fridge as he usually does when he or any of the Avengers came to visit your place. You were considered a safe house for them, since you had no real powers or threatening information, but were rather a comrade to the team of superheroes over the years.

The God of Thunder had his face in your box of leftovers as Loki came over and sat on your couch, sighing into his hands.

The shackled figure was staring at you, and you nervously put the pot down on the coffee table.

"Y/N," Loki began, as you heard Thor open and close your cupboards. "Ah, well, we've just popped by to inform you of some things."

"Asgard is destroyed," Thor chipped in from the kitchen. Your head snapped up.

"Wha-, really? How the hell did that happen?"

Loki nodded silently to the woman next to him. Her bright green eyes were hardly leaving yours, and you shuffled your feet under her gaze.

"It's too long of a story to get into right now. We've got a bit of a situation on our hands, with a bunch of stranded Asgardians, and we need to find a place for them. In the mean time, however, we need your help with, some, ah... babysitting."

Loki gestured to the woman again and you stared at him blankly. Thor came back in to join the three of you.

"We know your ties to the Avengers, you've got everyone on speed dial, even your place is entirely decked out thanks to Stark. You just have to find a way to keep her under control. Being banished didn't really do it for her at first, so this was our second plan."

Thor moved towards the prisoner and unlocked the mouthguard, pulling it away from her face. As he took it off, the first thing she did was spit in Thor's face.

"Now, now, sister," Loki scolded.

"What- sister? You two knuckleheads have a sister?" You exclaimed, eyes darting between the trio in front of you.

"Yes, it was a surprise for us too. Y/N, this is Hela. She's-"

"The Goddess of Death," she cut in, staring you down again. Now that her whole face was revealed, you marvelled at the striking cheekbones and smokey eyes she had, and you felt a slight shiver run up your spine at her low and cutting voice.

"Also the worst," Thor added.

"Frankly, since she's family, -and also impossible to kill being the Goddess of Death and all- she's been sent here with us to get sorted out and be kept from space and anything that may prove an interest or a threat to her," Loki continued.

"She could be useful, we just don't know for what," Thor said. "Yet."

"And you think that keeping her here will do that? If she's the Goddess of Death, I'll be dead the minute you guys leave, and she'll be out and about chasing your asses down."

"No such thing!" Thor scoffed. He whipped out a small remote and pressed a button. Suddenly Hela was shaking, and for the first time you noticed a shock collar around her neck. She slumped back a bit as Thor stopped and he tossed the remote to you.

"Here you go, but use it wisely."

"What! Thor you can't be fucking serious! I'm not gonna treat her like a wild dog."

"Hm, well, you should," Loki grumbled, standing up and straightening his robes. "She's killed enough people to deserve that."

"Give us a shout if anything goes wrong," Thor said cheerfully, walking back towards your front door. Loki patted your shoulder on the way out, giving a sympathetic smile.

"Oh, before I forget," he said, handing you a small key. "For the cuffs."

And then they were gone.

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