Feel Me Feel You [Carol x Therese]

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Feel Me Feel You
by sapphiccryptid

"Well you have to get the angle right, but when you do... it's divine," Genevieve says with her trademark sly smile offered to the small circle of women who have naturally gravitated towards each other at Dannie's party.

Therese takes a swig of her beer as she joins the circle and tries to catch up to the conversation. A quick sweep of her eyes over the faces around her—slightly scandalized, some blushing—along with the fact that it's Gen speaking, reveal that the subject matter must be of the salacious variety.

Therese chuckles to herself; a couple of years of knowing Gen and witnessing her brazenness firsthand had built up her immunity, something many of the women around them had yet to achieve.

"If they get to press all of their... parts together and roll around like that, why shouldn't we?" Gen says in a lowered voice, conspiratorial. She catches Therese's eye and winks; Therese rolls her eyes and smiles good-naturedly at Gen's antics, but the words are swimming in her mind and coming together to create a picture and suddenly she realizes what exactly they had been talking about. At first, Therese thinks it sounds impractical, nice maybe, but logistically difficult—then she flashes back to a few weeks ago. She and Carol had been out, teasing each other all through dinner with Abby and her redhead, crashing together the second they fell through the door to their apartment. She had had Carol right there against the door, too far gone to move beyond the entryway, swallowing her moans as Carol almost, almost came undone against the knee pressed up between her legs—and was that really so different from what Gen was apparently a strong advocate for? Therese couldn't deny there was an appeal to the thought of Carol spread out beneath her—or would she be on top?—flushed and wet, their arousal mingling...

She's jostled out of her daydream as someone—Dannie or Phil or maybe Jack—presses a fresh drink into her hand and ropes her into another conversation and the evening passes pleasurably in a blur of lively music and laughter even if she does have the image of a certain blonde in a certain position lingering at the back of her mind.

Eventually, she makes her way home, a little tipsy, a little tired. But the sight of Carol that greets her reinvigorates her. Carol is sitting in her pajamas against the arm of their couch, long legs stretched out across the cushions and crossed at the ankles as she lounges with a furniture catalog on her lap and black-rimmed glasses perched on her nose. Her hair is tied back messily, golden strands falling out and framing her face. She's gorgeous. And the warm, wide smile she gives Therese as she stumbles over to the couch is stunning. Therese's breath hitches as she lowers herself onto the couch, practically on top of Carol. The brightness of Carol's eyes and the drinks she's had are mixing in her blood like a cocktail of warmth, lighting her up and making her feel lightheaded as she leans forward to kiss her.

"Hi," Therese whispers around her mouth, looks up at her a bit sheepishly.

Carol chuckles, finding this version of Therese utterly charming. "Hi, did you have fun?"

"Mmm, was thinking about you though," Therese murmurs into Carol's neck.

"Were you?" Carol teases, eyes twinkling as Therese grabs her hands and pushes them under her shirt. "What exactly were you thinking about, dearest?"

"Carol." Therese moans into the crook of her neck, her warm breath and soft lips causing a reaction in Carol's own body as her hands lift higher on Therese's back, pulling her closer, stomach flipping pleasurably as Therese shudders under the scratch of her nails.

Therese knows she's already wet. Wants to press herself against Carol, but knows the particular tangle of limbs she has in mind will require more coordination than she's capable of right now. So she lets herself be kissed, lets Carol practically carry her to bed, lets herself fall onto the mattress, and lets Carol pull moan after moan out of her as she comes undone against her tongue before promptly falling asleep in a cocoon of Carol.

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