Our Baby [Lou x Debbie x reader]

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Our Baby
by amerrierworld

(Smut) Debbie and Lou decide your stresses need to be dealt with promptly.

Somehow, getting constantly pampered by Lou and Debbie could get exhausting. Who would have thought there was actually a limit to how much adoration you could take?

Today was one such day, a day where your two cons didn't actually have any work to do. One joy about working illegally is they're really not obligated to work full-time hours to live comfortably. With a couple millions in their pockets, why would they worry about working in the morning on a random day?

But you, however, did have pressing matters on hand. There were emails and things to check that you had to work on today, and though usually both your girlfriends would leave you alone, today was quite different.

To put it lightly, they were like a pair of consistent, annoying puppies who needed attention. It was easy at the moment, because Lou had gone out for a bit, and it was only Debbie you had to deal with.

Debbie had sat down on the couch next to you, running a hand over your leg, asking a few curious questions. She seemed amused by how huffy you were being, until you finally pushed her arm away and snapped.

"I need to focus- this is not funny! I need to do this- I need-"

A sharp hand twisted your hair on the back of your head, and you were tugged back to look up at Debbie's stormy eyes. She held you there, suspended, for five long seconds. Then your whole body relaxed and you leaned your head back, breathing deep.

"Good girl," she whispered. You let out a whine from behind your teeth. She shut the laptop on the table, her hand loosened but not letting go.

"I think you need to relax, hm?" she asked. "You've been misbehaving far too much."

"I have not-"

"Yes, you most definitely have."

"I have work-"

"And it's practically killing you. Computer away. Bed, now."

You pouted, but knew better than to argue with her. But as you got up, Debbie decided to tug you back, pulling you into her lap and nudging your mouth open with her own.


"I'm trying." You squirmed, lightly kissing her back. She patted your hips.

"You'll have to try a little harder. Otherwise I need to intervene."

Your eyes widened slightly, and she grinned, looking up at you through her eyelashes. She then nodded her head for you to go up to the bedroom, and you hurried away.

As you walked away, Debbie took out her phone and texted Lou; take ur time getting home. she needs some help.. relaxing. better be ready when u get here.

The only response Lou sent was a smirking emoji, and Debbie got up to hurry after you, ready to get all your attention.

"FUCK! Debbie- i-it's too much!"

You were spread out on the bed, limbs tied to each bedpost. Debbie hovered over you, nude save for her panties. You were the same, but she had shoved a vibrator under the fabric to stay and torture you. She had played with the settings to the point where you were sweaty and shaky from the orgasm denial.

"Not until Lou gets home." She smirked as you tried to move your hips, tried to press your legs together. You stared at her, face gorgeously contorted in a look of anguished pleasure, and she leaned forward to push a knee between your legs, making the toy press tightly against your cunt and sending shockwaves along your spine.

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