Table Manners [Cate x reader]

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Table Manners

What a surprise! Cate Blanchett is at your local bar. She isn't happy with your table manners though, and intends to change that.

The night is growing darker and darker; the bar you are in more crowded. Struggling to squeeze through the thick crowd to a seat, you wonder why you chose this place. Sure, your friends had said it was a nice bar, but were the crowds truly worth one or two good drinks? You weren't sure. Finally, you give up your search for a place to sit. Everyone is concerned about themselves and their friends; your friend is lost in the crowd. You stand awkwardly in the crowd, panic rising steadily by the second.

Someone taps a shoulder. You jump, and spin around, nearly flinging your drink out into space. Shelby smirks, and you give her a playful glare.

"Was that really necessary? I nearly lost my drink!" You say.

"Man, you get scared way too easily. If the wind were to blow harder, you'd jump right out of your skin!" Shelby replies.

As much as you hate it when she does stupid shit like scaring you constantly, or stealing all of your food, she is trustworthy and erudite. When you've had your struggles in college, she's been there to help you along the way. Both of you considered academics to be the most important thing. Tonight was different, however. This last semester had ended, and to celebrate both of your accomplishments, this bar was what Shelby had suggested.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, but this crowd is really thick. Have you had any luck finding a seat?" You ask.

"Nope, Shelby replies. "But, I can look some more."

Right before you can say no, she's off. The crowd takes her in as one of their own and she is now invisible to you. You let out a large sigh, and resume your search for some place to sit. This low cut suit was great, but not your shoes. Scanning the room, you find what seems to be an empty booth. As you creep closer, you realize there is one person currently sitting in it: a radiant, blonde woman who is wearing a sleek black suit and black pumps. Upon closer inspection, it hits you who it is.

"No fucking way," you whisper, the sound swallowed by the crowd.

How no one has noticed, you truly don't understand. Something else that you don't understand is why the Cate Blanchett is at your small bar in your small town; it's simply a blip on the map. It doesn't really matter though, she's here. Mustering all of the remaining courage you have, you walk up to the booth.

"May I sit here?" You squeak. Oh, how you hate your weakened voice.

Cate looks away from the crowd to you. Her eyes dart right to your exposed cleavage, and you blush slightly in response.

"Why of course, darling. Sit down with me," Cate says in a sultry tone of voice.

"I-I'm Y/N by the way," you stutter.

"Y/N, that's an exquisite name," Cate responds

Dear God, she called my name exquisite, you think.Thank goodness she says yes, because your legs are about to give out. You slide into the booth carefully, making sure you don't spill your drink. You are close to the end of the booth.

"Come closer, darling. I don't bite," Cate scoffs.

You scoot even closer to her, and begin to find yourself intoxicated by her presence. After all, it is truly a blessing. You are separated by only a foot. Before you can do anything, Cate closes the gap between both of you. Your eyes widen as your thighs come in contact with hers. A small sigh escapes your lips, and she notices. Your breathing becomes labored. Cate's hand slips down to your thigh, and she rests her hand on it. She begins to rub and massage it, and even though this is very much a public place, desire has taken complete hold over your mind; you don't care anymore.

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