Caught in the middle [Hela x reader x Galadriel] p3

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Caught in the middle by getlostsquidward

Summary: You have the Goddess of Death, Hela; and the Lady of Light, Galadriel both smitten for you. You tell yourself to only choose one, but doesn't everyone need a mix of light and darkness in their lives?

You change into your formal garments appropriate for the feast. It was a white flowing dress, adorned with black and gold beads at the waist. You let your hair down tonight, with a simple braid on the side of your ears. Satisfied with your look, you head to the dining hall quickly to not be late. You stand at the edge of the room alongside the servants as you wait for your Queen and the guest. The sounds of several feet marching, as well as a familiar sound of heels clacking, were approaching so you and the others give curtsy until Her Majesty enters the hall.

"Behold, Queen Hela." Skurge, the Executioner announced her arrival proudly and you scoot over to her side. You were now waiting for your guest to arrive.

"What the hell is taking her so long..." you hear the Queen mutter under her breath. She's not in a good mood today.

As if on cue, the guest enters the dining hall. You were shocked to see the same Lady earlier that helped you walk her way towards Hela. All there's left is for the Queen of Asgard to introduce her, and then you would proceed with the feast.

"Asgard, this is Lady Galadriel of Lothlorien. If some of you does not know, she and her kingdom helped me and my brothers defeat Surtur, therefore preventing Ragnarok," Hela uninterestingly explained. The announcement garnered applause and cheers from the people.

Lady Galadriel only waved her hand as she looked at everyone's faces until her gaze landed on you. She gives you her warm smile and a nod and you returned it with a grateful one. At the corner of your eyes, you swore you saw Hela frowning at you with a death stare. You didn't know she's been watching you all this time.

As expected, the feast proceeds and while you planned to remain standing behind Hela's chair so you can act briskly the moment she ordered you something. Instead, you hear Galadriel asking you to sit on her left side. You look at Hela to ask for permission but she doesn't spare you a glance. Taking initiative, you approach the seat offered.

"I apologize for what happened this afternoon, my Lady. If I knew you were the Queen's guest, I wouldn't have had you carry that fruit basket for me. Even if you insisted," you said, leaning on her ear.

"It's nothing, dear. You shouldn't worry your pretty mind about it."

You and Galadriel continued to engage in a conversation throughout the feast even though you know she can also feel the pair of eyes boring holes on both your heads from the head of the table. Your attention was focused on the woman by your side you had forgotten that Hela asked you to see her after dinner.

Galadriel had requested you show her around the palace, and around Asgard which you gladly agreed. The feast had ended and you were now taking a stroll to the garden.

"Tell me about your Queen, Y/N," she asked, taking a turn to the right to take a look at the flowers that embellished the place.

"Queen Hela?" She hummed in response. "Well, she's a tough ruler, as you can see. But she cares greatly about the people of Asgard. And she may look like she's void of emotions, deep down I know she adores her idiot brothers." You chuckled as you think about how Odin's children's love language was nearly killing one another.

"And she adores you."

A blush crept up your face at her statement. "Me? Adores me? That's not true. She loathes my presence." It's true, because how would you explain the way she literally pushes you out of the palace to do idle tasks? If you got too close to her for her liking, she wordlessly creates distance between the two of you. You didn't know why, it's not like you smell bad or something. Asgard has the best fragrant soap and perfumes you won't be able to find on Earth.

"Her eyes tell a different story, dear. I know that look very well. She just hides it very well behind her mask. Trust me." You didn't notice her walking towards you as you ponder what Galadriel has just said. You remember that one time you were patting Fenris while she takes a nap in the yard. You had dogs when you were on Earth and you missed having one so you took care of Fenris like your own. Whenever you can, you come to her; either feeding, playing, laying, or just napping with her. While on your way to return to your chambers, you bumped into Skurge on the hallways. Apparently, he saw your interaction with the giant wolf and told you how no one but Hela can come close to her. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" you give him a confused look.

"Have Fenris get comfortable with you."

"Oh. I don't know, I'm just being myself, I guess. Why? Isn't she with you?"

"She isn't. Won't even let me close even if Her Majesty is around. Maybe she can feel those people who her owner likes. Anyway, see you around, Y/N."

A light thing had been placed on your head. You touched it to know what it was when you sensed Galadriel behind you. Turning around, you were surprised to see how close you two were. She was taller than you so you had to chin up to meet her gaze.

"Flower crown. I made you one. Now we can match," she said, eyes lit up and giving you an affectionate smile. You take it off your head so you can look at it better. Your fingers grazed along with the delicate orchid petals and admire how pretty they are. You put it back and thanked Galadriel, "Thank you, my Lady. It is incredibly beautiful."

The moonlight shines above you giving the Lady of Lothlorien's face an ethereal glow. You basked in her beauty, hands itching to brush her cheeks with your knuckles.

A hand on your waist startled you as it possessively pulled you to their side. Hela squeezes your sides tightly that her nails were digging into your skin. It only dawned on you that she had requested to see you.

"Galadriel. Shouldn't you be resting? You must be tired."

"Getting rid of me?"

"No. Just thinking of your well-being. You are an honorable guest of Asgard, after all."

Galadriel hesitated before answering, "Very well. Have a good night, Hela." She bowed to Asgard's Queen before turning to you, "I had a good evening, thanks to you Y/N. I shall see you tomorrow. Good night." She gives you yet another warm smile of hers you were beginning to grow fond of. You wait for her to get inside the palace before acknowledging the presence of your Queen.

"Your Majesty. I apologize as your request to see me after dinner has slipped my mind. Forgive me," you stood still waiting for her to release you from her hold.

She takes a minute to respond, "It looks like you enjoy Galadriel's company so much you had forgotten your Queen." Her tone was accusing it made you feel you've to defend yourself. "I did enjoy her company. And no, I haven't forgotten about you."

She finally removed her hand on your waist and stepped forward so she can face you. "Should I remind you who you belong to, Y/N? I believe you swore an oath to do any and all Asgard's royal family wishes." She puts a finger on your chin and lifts it so you're now looking straight at her.

"I- I did. And I intend to do that, Your Majesty. If you deem my actions punishable, do as you see fit. I take account of my irresponsible deed." She hummed in response, seemingly satisfied with your answer. "I'll think of the most satisfying way to punish you, Y/N." A wicked grin was creeping up her face as she continues, "And I know you'll enjoy it. You can return to your chambers now." She walked away and you let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding.

Once you had cleaned yourself, you sprawled out of your bed thinking about everything that happened today. Meeting Galadriel was probably the best. She was very sweet and seemed like a gentle ruler, unlike someone you know. As you closed your eyes, Hela's threat replayed in your mind. Your eyes shot open as you try your best not to think about what punishment she'll give you. And you definitely won't enjoy it, you repeatedly reminded yourself.

Her behavior tonight was weirding you out. First, she had been too close to you too much tonight, not to mention the lingered touch she initiated. You're certain she'll kick you out of the palace again first thing in the morning because of that. She wasn't like this before. Yes, her mood always changes very quickly but you hadn't seen her act like this. It's almost like she's... jealous.

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