Too good to be bad [Lady Tremaine x reader]

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Too good to be bad
by mwlecs

Ella is an old friend of yours, but trying to reconnect isn't your only problem, there's a woman who's caught your eye. The problem? She is Ella's wicked stepmother. Ps- wicked, not ugly. Otherwise Cate Blanchett wouldn't have taken the role.

You watched from outside as the rain poured down harder this time. It was five past 10 o'clock and you could see the bright yellow flash of light hit your skin in the warmest familiar way. The big old mansion wasn't home to you, but sometimes, you felt like that beautiful evergreen garden you stood in front of now was. Your childhood best friend Ella lived there, at least that was all you knew after all this time. You knew about Ella's stepmother and her two daughters and the toll it took on Ella to accept all the change they brought with them in such a drastic way. You remembered the house, running around it, lying on the grass with your eyes facing the blue sky with a little blonde girl by your side, sharing stories about how one day the two of you would get married to two gentlemen who treated you right, and wear beautiful dresses and blossom into two grown women together. Ella made plans with you, and you were the happiest you had ever been.

Puberty went away and took with it all the sweet dreams planned in that garden, planted with strong roots scattered all over the grounds of that place you no longer could call home. A second home at least. You kept watching as a young woman approached the garden, running through the fields of sunflowers and directly towards you. Her face was a tad muddy and her little blue dress was covered in dust. She untied the knot in the back of her brown apron when she was just a few inches away from you, tossing it away, and then she pulled you in, hugging and holding you tight. She smelled like daisies and rust, and you wondered why her eyes looked red and watery.

"Y/N!" She whispered in your ear. "What the hell are you doing here? If mother sees you she's gonna lose her temper! Oh, I am so happy you're here." Her voice was quiet but her eyes shouted at you with every breath she took.

Right, Ella's stepmom wasn't all that pleased with you. After Ella's dad's passing, you were all she had, and the widowed woman felt she would never be able to move on if you were still there all the time, it did Ella good, too good, and she didn't like it. Mostly because she could never understand the bond between you two, and she felt somewhat jealous of you, always there for Ella, like a little lamp in the middle of a dark room, you could lighten up the whole world if you wanted to, regardless of the stormy days and the blue nights. But you kept visiting Ella, in secret, sheepishly watching her do her chores from a safe distance, all you wanted to know was that she was safe, and happy, but the blonde girl's expression immediately gave her away. You could see it so clearly, she was fierce, but broken, especially right now.

"I'm sorry! I was worried, I haven't seen you in two months. God knows what that woman is capable of doing if I ever dare to leave you behind." You blurted out, tired. You didn't like the new owner of the grounds either, even in all her devilish grace.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. She's too busy trying to decide on whether she'll pick green or blue for her ball gown."

"Ball gown?"

"Haven't you heard?" She whispered, leaning closer to you again. "The prince and his father have invited the women from all across the kingdom to attend the ball. It's in... four days. You should receive your invitation soon... He's looking for a companion, I suppose." She said with a hint of disappointment.

"What's wrong?" You promptly asked her, watching her as she stared a whole into the ground.

"I was hoping I could go, and just for one night, you see, I could have just a little bit of... freedom. But she won't ever let me. I asked."

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