Don't hide us [Lou x Debbie x reader]

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Don't Hide Us
by amerrierworld

(Smut) An evening of strip poker ends with a surprise.. or rather six surprises.

Being with two other people was not easy, especially when said people were heavily involved with frequent criminal activities. Despite being quite mature and  organized, they were also absolute crackheads.

You don't know how it happened, but you had somehow been pulled into a game of strip poker- and halfway through you realized they most likely had rigged the whole thing, because you were nearly naked in your chair in just  your undergarments, and Lou and Debbie wore shit-eating grins.

"It's really not fair if you two always gang up on me, you know," you huffed as your second sock came off.

"What are you talking about, we're playing absolutely fair," Lou replied. Her tie had come off and was now wrapped around her head, messing up her bangs. She was only wearing her silky waistcoat and boxer briefs, but seemed the most relaxed. Debbie, like you, was in her bra, but was still wearing her high-waisted pants.

"Bullshit, Miller," you scoffed, taking a sip from your drink. "Now hurry up, I'm getting chilly over here."

Lou's bar club was closed tonight, and you three were sitting close to the pool table, a languid playlist thumping through the large speakers. Dimmed lights, surrounded by the smell of vodka and cigarette smoke. You felt a deep heat stir inside you as Debbie wormed her way out of her pants after losing another round.

Lou took her time looking her over as well until she flicked at the dangling tie from her head,

"We're still playing, Lou. Get back to it."

You giggled at the sight of them, which made them look over at you simultaneously, and you felt your stomach drop. Unsurprisingly, you lost the next game.

"I'll turn the heat up for you baby," Lou grinned as you moved to take off your bra. You blushed, shimmying in your seat as the cool air made goosebumps rise along your body.

Debbie reached over to run a hand over your shivering thigh. The table you sat at was a small, round wooden table, and a single lamp hung above all three of you, swinging precariously.

"Oi, no touching yet, Debs," Lou scolded, bumping the brunette in the arm. "We're still playing, right?"

Debbie pouted dramatically, but you played on. Your nipples were practically aching from the cold air warring with your internal heat, making you squirm against your hard wooden chair.

Then suddenly and unexpectedly, Lou lost a round. Her fingers danced along the buttons of the waistcoat teasingly, eyeing both you and Debbie with a grin.

"Maybe we should call it after this," you suggested, because Lou's abdomen was slowly coming to light and your mouth was watering.

"Agreed," Debbie sighed. Lou had kept her chains and jewelry on, and you hated the way they accentuated her neck and wrists and fingers, hated how you were distracted by them.

A rush of cold air gave you a rush of adrenaline as your heart rate picked up, and you practically flew across the table to grab Lou and kiss her hard before she even got the article of clothing off.

Her chair was tipping back and would have fallen had Debbie not reached over and steadied it. Lou's hands were warm and large and ran over your back as you sat on the table in front of her, your legs spreading and revealing the obvious wetness gathering between your thighs through your underwear.

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