Taken [Hela x reader] p3

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by OswinTheStrange

(No smut) Reader is kidnapped by a small rebellion fighting against Hela's rule. Reader has to deal with her captors until Hela arrives to rescue her.

Your head pounded angrily as you came to, your vision slightly blurred. You groaned. You moved your hand to clutch at your head, but it was stopped by cold metal around your wrist. You yanked your arm, the rattling of chains preventing you from moving further. Your other wrist was restrained, as well. Cold stone beneath you told you that you were on the ground.

You blinked, trying to clear your vision and make out your surroundings. You were in a dim, empty room. There was a door to your right, and no windows. You yanked on the chains, pulling with all your strength. You knew it was pointless, but you had to at least try.

As you pulled, you tried to remember what had happened. The only thing you could recall was something hitting you on the head as you took your nightly walk. After that, only blackness.

The door opened, startling you from your thoughts. You blinked against the light coming from outside the room and two figures entered. One of them looked quite old, while the other was extraordinarily tall. A third figure store guard at the door.

"Who are you?" you asked, your eyes slowly adjusting.

"My name is Arnbjorn. This is Ulfric, and Lydia," the older man said, motioning to the tall man and the woman standing guard at the door.

"And why have you kidnapped me?"

"We didn't want to," Arnbjorn said. "But we're running out of options. We have to take drastic measures if we hope to stop Hela."

Realization hit you. "You're the rebellion!" you exclaimed. You'd heard whispers of a small rebellion trying to fight against Hela's rule, but you'd figured that sooner or later they'd be wiped out. Yet here they were, still fighting.

Arnbjorn nodded grimly. "The last of it, I'm afraid. Our numbers have grown smaller, and there aren't many of us left."

"You realize taking me, bringing me here, will only lead to your end, right? You can't win against her," you said.

"Then we'll die trying!" Ulfric declared, speaking up.

"Silence, Ulfric!" Arnbjorn barked. "We have to succeed, for Asgard's sake! There is no honor in death if we die in vain!"

"And you will," you said. "Die in vain, I mean. Keeping me here is only putting yourselves in more danger. When she arrives, she'll kill you all."

"Unless we get her first," Ulfric said.

"She can't be killed," you said.

"That's what you think," Ulfric sneered.

"I said silence!" Arnbjorn yelled. Ulfric closed his mouth, glaring at you the whole time. "I'm sorry we had to take you, but luring her here is the only way we can end this. Once this is over, I can assure you, you will not be harmed."

Hearing that made Ulfric glare even harder at you.

"Please, end this now. Let me go, save yourselves! This won't end the way you want it to," you pleaded. As angry as you were at them kidnapping you, you knew they were only fighting for what they thought was right. You couldn't blame them for being desperate. But keeping you like this would only mean death for all of them once Hela arrived.

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