Three Times Over [Lou x Debbie x reader] p3

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Three Times Over
by amerrierworld

"You're lost, aren't you?"

"I'm not lost, Ocean. Shut up."

"Lou. Admit it. You're fucking lost."

Lou huffed, looking up from the map to glare at Debbie as you wandered by the road edge, overlooking hills and a far-away shoreline. You kicked some stones from the gravel on the ground, turning your head to bask in the setting sun heat.

The three of you decided to take an impromptu road trip on Lou's new motor cycle, loaded with money from the last heist. You'd been squished between the blonde and brunette on the bike, holding on for dear life for the whole trip so far. Somewhere along the way, Lou had pulled over -something about watching the view or enjoying the outdoors?- to glare at the map.

She was so lost.

"Look, I might have taken a wrong turn somewhere, fine. But that doesn't mean we're lost."

"Lou, that is literally the definition of lost," you giggled, hands shoved deep in your pockets. She shot you a look but you blew her a kiss and her eyes softened a bit.

You hurried over to her, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind. "It's okay we're lost, baby," you said. "Cause look at this view we got to catch because of it."

"We're not lost," Lou mumbled defensively. You and Debbie shared a look.

"How about I just look up where we are?" she said, waving her phone in Lou's face, who groaned.

"But that ruins the adventure," she whined, and you hugged her tighter. "Ugh, fine. I'm trying to find the same motel from the last time I went down these roads."

Within minutes, you figured out where you were and you were back on the road after Lou had analyzed and remembered the directions. Cool summer air whipped past your face and you felt an occasional kiss against the back of your head from Debbie.

The sky was darkening by the time you arrived at the motel, at the centre of a small rural town with a gas station and a shop or two. A motorcycle trip with three people didn't leave room for too much luggage but you and Debbie had managed to sufficiently pack small backpacks to bring along. Food you could buy easily, that wasn't an issue.

Lou checked the three of you in, greeting the motel owners with a familiar hug and sliding them extra tips for letting the three of you share one room meant for two. They didn't question it with the sight of more green bills being passed their way.

"It's surprisingly cozy," you said as you walked in. Dim yellow lights lit up the room with a nice view of the forest behind the motel.

"Oh, the owners owed me a favour from the last time I was here. Helped them out of a scam. I might have conned them in the process but they're none the wiser," Lou shrugged as she flopped down on the bed. "The one reason why I always come back here is cause they actually clean their rooms."

"Hey!" Debbie scolded. "Boots, missy. We all have to share that bed."

Lou grumbled again and tugged her black boots off her feet, tossing them on the floor before shuffling up further on the bed, falling asleep almost instantly. Debbie grabbed your hand and the two of you wandered the town, buying some food and drinks from the convenience shops and chatting with the locals. It was quiet and peaceful; streetlights brightening the roads and the weather cozy enough for you to wander around without any burdening layers.

Lastly you bought ice creams from the gas station and a pack of cigarettes for Lou before heading back to the room, where you found said blonde snoring into the pillows. You gently shook her awake to ask if she wanted food and soon the three of you were sitting on the bed in a pile, eating junk food as the rickety ceiling fan spun above you.

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