Warm Me Up [Lou x Debbie x reader]

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Warm Me Up
by amerrierworld

(Smut/no fluff) It's winter, and you're cold, and you don't stop complaining until Lou and Debbie do something about it.

"Lou, what the fuck is the point of this giant ass loft when you c-can't even keep it warm," you shivered as you dropped down next to her on the sofa by the fireplace, the warmest place in her home. You tucked your bare feet under her thighs and she let out a hiss of surprise at how cold your feet were.

"Sorry love," she said, rubbing your calves with an absent-minded hand while flicking through the motorcycle magazine on her lap. "Trying to keep this place heated costs a fortune."

"Lou, we literally stole thousands of dollars from one of the biggest fashion nights in the world. And you can't keep keep your own loft heated enough for your freezing cold girlfriend?"

Lou shot you a look and pinched your leg. Squeaking in surprise, you pulled your legs away and pouted dramatically at her. A mischievous glimmer appeared in her eyes.

Debbie came in through the front door just as Lou was about to pounce on you, successfully distracting both of you. Her nose poked out from above a thick woollen scarf, red and sniffly. Dressed in layers on layers on layers, she could barely move her arms or legs as she shuffled inside and shut the door. A waft of chilly air reached you just as she closed it and goosebumps ran up and down you spine.

"Well, hello there Rudolph," Lou grinned as Debbie began peeling away her articles of clothing, revealing her red nose. She gave Lou the middle finger as she shook off her boots.

You reached for Debbie's hand as she came to sit between you and Lou, and squeaked at how cold her skin was.

"What's the matter?"

"You're cold," you grumbled, pulling your hands away and folding your arms, tucking your hands safely away from the cold.

"Y/N has been complaining about my heating all day," Lou rolled her eyes, kissed Debbie on the cheek and nuzzling her neck. The brunette grinned at you.

"Really? What a shame, I think it's nice and toasty inside, I don't know what you're talking about."

"That's because you just came in from outside!" you said, exasperated. "I'm freezing, and so are you!"

"Hm, I suppose you're right, maybe I'll need some help to warm up," Debbie raised an eyebrow, grabbing Lou's hand and placing it on her thigh. Her voice nearly dropped an octave. "It'll help heat the place up, right Lou?"

Lou grinned wickedly, "Right, of course. Let's make sure our precious Y/N is warm and cozy inside."

Before you knew it, Debbie's pants were unbuttoned and Lou's hand had slipped inside, rubbing slowly underneath the fabric. You stared in utter surprise, something stirring deep in your belly at the sight of Debbie turning her head towards you so Lou could nibble along her neck.

Debbie's hips began rocking back and forth, and she grinned at your lustful expression, parted lips and blown pupils.

"This'll help warm you up, won't it?" she murmured innocently, before gasping. From glancing at Lou's hand, it looked like she had slipped a finger inside and was now fucking her slowly.

Your own hand began trailing down to the apex between your thighs, which felt a lot warmer than it did before.

"If you want us to touch you there, you'll keep your hands to yourself," Lou said, and you whimpered at the command, but did what she asked.

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