Caught in the middle [Hela x reader x Galadriel] p2

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Caught in the middle by getlostsquidward

Summary: You have the Goddess of Death, Hela; and the Lady of Light, Galadriel both smitten for you. You tell yourself to only choose one, but doesn't everyone need a mix of light and darkness in their lives?

You help the servants prepare the feast that will take place tonight. A guest will be staying in the palace, for how long, you didn't know. All you care is how your workload will be doubled, certain that the Queen would have you run errands in and out of the palace. Your mind wanders to the Lady that you had met earlier. You hadn't seen her before, and she doesn't look like an Asgardian. You just hoped that she wasn't punished by Her Majesty.

Time in Asgard passes differently than in Earth and you don't remember how long you have been here. You were friends with Thor and Loki since you accompanied Jane here a few years ago and you've been bugging them to take you to Asgard again for a vacation. You liked it here and half-joked that you could live here and not return to Earth anymore. They must have taken it seriously because one day they were at your apartment saying "Pack your things. We're bringing you home."

You've been on your own for too long that you have no regrets about leaving Earth for good. Besides, you can always visit (if the Queen permits), or have Thor or Loki bring you something from Earth if they visit Asgard. They said they need someone they can trust inside the palace, to aid their sister and Queen, Hela. You were beyond honored for the deep trust they have in you, so you swore that you would fulfill any of the Royal Family wishes. That's where you are now, serving as the personal handmaid of the Queen.

Thor was traveling to different realms, finding his purpose as he didn't want to be King; and Loki was... everywhere. The last you saw him; they gave you a picture of her and Mobius jet skiing in Australia. They will be back soon though, for they never miss an event in the palace. The summer solstice is near.

Your first interaction with their sister was quite... awkward. You were standing in the middle of the bridge admiring Asgard's scenery when you felt a dagger pointed against your throat. Without a doubt, you thought it was Loki pulling pranks again so you hit him in their stomach and tackled her to the ground with you sitting above him to restrain their movement. "Loki, I swear to god-"

"You'll swear what to me?" The person beneath you claimed. This... isn't Loki. While they looked like him; black hair, color aesthetic, the weapon of choice; this isn't the God of Mischief. The eyes and aura are completely different. "You- you're not Loki," you stammer, eyes wide in realization.

"Now, now, Y/N. Don't kill her," a familiar voice was heard at a distance.

"Yet," another voice added.

"She's our sister." You whip your head at the approaching figures, it's Thor. And Loki. You look at him and the woman beneath you repeatedly, trying to figure out who's who. Still speechless, you quickly stand to get away from their sister.

She stood up gracefully and ran her hands in her head. A black spiky crown (again, similar to Loki) appeared. "Kneel."

You were so scared your body moved on its own and kneeled. "Apologies. I'm sorry, I- I didn't know-"

"You look like a smart girl with good instincts," she cut you off, cocking her head at you analyzing your whole personality. "A good girl who knows her place." The praise sent tingles on your body. You would love to hear more.

"I am Hela. Odin's-"

"Firstborn. Commander of the legions of Asgard. The rightful heir yada yada yada," Loki continued with a smug grin on his face. "Oh, I forgot, Goddess of Death," they purposefully gave a dramatic effect on their voice to scare you. Damn Loki.

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