Sickly Sweet [Carol x Therese]

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Sickly Sweet
by amerrierworld

(Fluff/no smut) Therese comes home to a sniffly Carol.

"You went to work like that?"

"Of course not. Abby didn't even let me within one foot of the door when I arrived. One cough and I had to go home."

"Good. For once I agree with her. Have you been sleeping all day?"

"Yes. There's no dinner fixed darling, I'm sorry."

"Oh, hush. You'll be glad I'm home early today."

Carol let out an abhorrent sneeze that made her abdomen contract and her whole body fold in half. Though it was a bit comical to see, Therese's newly acquired motherly instincts kicked in, and she immediately grabbed a box of tissues.

Therese had never really had to worry about taking care of others before she met Carol and Rindy. She was always on her own, and that was all she paid attention to. Now, Carol's caring and worrisome demeanour for her best friend, girlfriend and daughter has warmed her to the wholesome family picture that her future may become.

Therese knew where the hot water bottles were, knew where the antibiotics and medication was. She came clambering back to the living room where Carol lay stretched out on the couch, nearly dropping things on the way.

The older woman chuckled sluggishly at the sight of her, but Therese tutted and pushed her up so she could prop another pillow behind her neck.

"You really don't need to, dearest," Carol groaned, "let an old woman rest."


Therese urged her to tug off her work clothes which she was still wearing from that morning. She dragged them back to the laundry room, leaving Carol on the couch in her underwear and a blanket.

When she came back with a clean set of Carol's pyjamas, the sight of Carol's skin would usually set her heart aflame. The sheen of sweat usually meant arousal or a successful session of teasing and longing looks. But this time it was sickly sweat, cold and clammy, and Therese hurried to take care of her. To take all the illness away and soothe her lover.

Carol's drowsy eyes followed the brunette who helped her arms into the sleeves. Her perfume was sweet and familiar, and Carol couldn't help but breathe in the smell of her darling so close, only to be hit by a coughing fit. Her body doubled over while she was sitting on the couch, and Therese nearly shoved another tissue into her mouth by surprise.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," Therese muttered, rubbing her back. "Here, lie back. Rest."

The phone rang. Therese shot up before Carol could move another muscle, which she would have had she been alone. But she wasn't alone.

"Hello? Oh, hi Abby. Yes, she's fine. Well.. fine, but sick. Oh? No, she's been sleeping all day, that might be why. Of course. Yes I'll let her know... Bye Abby."

She set the receiver down, shrugged off her own suit jacket and rolled up her sleeves. As she walked to the kitchen, she continued talking to a half-asleep Carol who watched her from the couch.

"Abby says she's tried calling you a few times. I told her you probably managed to sleep though it all."

"Hm, sounds about right. I sleep like the dead when I'm sick."

A loud clattering of pans followed, as well as a string of soft curses.

"What are you doing, darling?" Carol smiled, looking up at the ceiling fan spin while Therese bustled about the kitchen.

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