Caught in the middle [Hela x reader x Galadriel]

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Caught in the middle by getlostsquidward

Summary: You have the Goddess of Death, Hela; and the Lady of Light, Galadriel both smitten for you. You tell yourself to only choose one, but doesn't everyone need a mix of light and darkness in their lives?

"Shit, sorry! I'm sorry." You exclaimed as you bumped onto another body that caused you and the basket of fresh fruits to stumble and roll to the ground. The person helped you collect the fruits and return them to their place. When you reached to get the last one, your hand brushed with theirs as they reach for it too. They let you take it, and that's when you stand up and look at them. "Apologies, my Lady. Are you alright?" you say while bowing your head. She looks regal, clad in a long white dress, long golden hair and a tiara placed on her head. The looks of someone undoubtedly part of a royal family.

"I should be asking you that, my dear. Why is a girl like you carrying a basket twice your size? And don't get me started with how heavy that must be." Her soft and sweet voice momentarily put you in a trance making you unable to speak. She puts a finger on your chin and lifts it so your attention would be back to her. "I- I was ordered by Her Majesty to pick them up. She said it will be for the guest that will be staying in the palace."

"I see. Let me carry that for you, dear." She offered. As much as you want to accept, you think of what the Queen would have you do if she saw you have someone else do the task she gave you. Shuddering at the thought, you politely declined. "Thank you, but no need, my Lady. I can carry this inside."

"Would you prefer I carry you while you carry that basket, hm? I would be glad to do so," the Lady insists. Her carrying you was pictured in your mind, as well as the more bad consequence that will probably happen if the Queen were to see you like that. The thought of you in her arms gave you a faint flush on your cheeks. "If you insist, my Lady. Thank you very much." She took the basket from the ground as if it was nothing. You guide her into the palace, opening the doors for her. She makes small talk to you until you were interrupted by an angry booming voice. Shit.

"Y/N." Your heart was starting to race as you give curtsy to the Queen. "Your Majesty," you shakily respond.

"Is the task so hard you had to pass it to someone else?" She stands up from the throne and struts like a cat ready to pound at you. As you regain your composure, you find her face a hair's breadth away from yours, nose almost touching. You can't help but glance to her lips, then back to her eyes. She saw the movement as her lips tug into a smirk. "You may go, but see me after dinner, kitten." The way she said the last word was so low you wouldn't be able to hear it if not for your very little distance. You nod in return and you turn to the Lady beside you that has been watching the interaction with a glint of amusement in her eyes. You give her an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry and thank you again, my Lady." Once you balanced the basket between your hands, you carefully tread the way to the kitchen, with your head peeking on one side, cautious not to trip. It didn't help that you can feel two pairs of eyes boring into you as you vanish from their side.

Once you were out of their eyeshot, the Queen turns her attention on the woman.



The two women stare at each other, neither willing to back down. Hela broke their staring competition as she turned to return to the throne room. Galadriel followed and your name falls from her lips, testing how it sounds like. "Y/N."

"What about her?"

"I want her to be my personal attendant during the course of my stay here in Asgard." Hela stopped in her tracks and glared daggers at the woman. "That won't be happening."

"Why not?" Galadriel queried, testing the patience of the Queen.

Hela's eyes flashed with possessiveness. "She's mine."

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