You're so perfect, angel [Debbie x reader]

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You're so perfect, angel
by klvgers

Debbie just wants to make her girls feel good.

Your eyes focused on the screen, debbie's hand running through your hair while your head was on her chest. halfway through the movie, debbie felt a wetness on her thigh and looked down to see you grinding up against it, quite little whines coming from your lips. "well, look at you." she smirked and brought her thigh up closer and flexed it, you gasping in response.

She kept stroking your hair and cooing at you, slipping her hand under your shirt, then down into your sweatpants. "no panties, huh?" she teased, raising an eyebrow. "sit up, and take these off. i wanna see you, my pretty girl." she tugged at your sweats and tshirt.

After you stripped, you sat on debbie's lap, your front facing her with your legs spread, giving her full access to you all over. she wanted to make you come. she looked up at your eyes, giving the most adorable and needy look. "please, touch me." you whispered, taking one of her hands and putting it on your breast, a sharp moan coming from your mouth from how cold it was

She smirked at you, "such a needy girl. so this is all mine, huh baby?" debbie teased. you nodded, your cheeks glowing red as she rubbed your clit with her thumb. the way she was looking at you, you knew you were going to come in a instant. she added two of her fingers and continued to rub your clit. your hips stilled in surprise, rocking violently seconds later.

"good girl." she praised, making a jolt of arousal go through your body. you gasped and moaned, gripping onto her shirt. "yeah, you like it when i call you that? my good girl?" she repeated, you moaning louder as a response. seemed like every word that came out of debbie's mouth just brought closer and closer to the edge.

Debbie's hand that was still on your breast, rolled your nipples between her fingers, it instantly turning rock hard. "baby, you're so sensitive." she admired you, unable to keep a straight face because of that innocent, beet red face.

Your blush reached to your ears and neck, tucking your face into debbie's shoulder in embarrassment. "you're so close, aren't you?" she whispered and kissed down your stomach, wanting to embarrass you further. she just couldn't get enough of your blush.

"oh my god, please, debbie," you begged. you started to feel that familiar feeling at the pot of your stomach. "yes baby?" "please, please... i need to come." "well, do you think you deserve it?" she raised an eyebrow, "yes, please."

"tell me why you deserve it, sweetheart." you huffed, then getting a "watch your attitude" look from debbie. "b-because i've been a good girl for you, all week." you whimpered,  your eyes screwed shut. "please, i have to cum, please." you cried, the stimulation was too much for you. "look at me, baby. look at me." you looked down at debbie to see a smirk playing on her face, but her voice was gentle and soft. she shushed you, wiping your tears and rubbing your bare back.

"i guess i could let you come, since you've been such a good girl for me." she added a third finger and went at a pace that almost made you scream. "debbie, i'm gonna- fuck!" your breathing hitched as you came all over debbie's fingers and thighs. "you're so perfect, angel." she praised, kissing down your stomach to your navel.

You fell back on the bed, whimpering when debbie stroked you again. she stopped rubbing and smiled, kissing you passionately. she wrapped the blanket around her and your naked body, brushing her fingers through your hair. "are you okay?" she asked. she'd never seen you cry like that before.

"uh huh." you nodded, slurring sleepily and debbie chuckled. "debbie?" "yeah, baby?" "i love you." you mumbled, burying your head into her neck. "i love you too, princess. my good girl." she kissed you softly on the head and whispered a "good night" to you.

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