A risk well taken [Cate x reader]

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A Risk Well Taken
by CateBlanchettIsMyDaddy

To attract the attention of your teacher, Cate Blanchett, you try something risky and yet exciting.

It is late August, and you're touring your new school in preparation for the upcoming school year. You are wearing shorts and a lower cut tank top that displays your ample cleavage; it is very hot, after all. You wander to the English section of the building as that is your first class of the day. The building is quite large, and you feel as if you are being swallowed whole by it. However, you walk deeper into the hallway because the classroom you need is at the end.

As you approach the doorway, a faint but inviting light flows from outside. You walk up to the doorway, then through it. A woman is sitting at her desk reading a book. It's 1984 by George Orwell, one of your favorites. She has thick black glasses and ethereal blonde hair that tumbles down to barely touch her shoulders in waves. She is wearing a black suit with high and glossy black pumps. Damn, what an outfit, you think. Once you step further into the room, her eyes dart up to you. She sets down her book and stands up from the chair.

"Hello. My name is Ms. Blanchett, and I suppose I will be your English teacher for which period?"

You stop dead in your tracks. The Cate Blanchett is going to be your English teacher? The celebrity goddess whom you have been infatuated with for so long? You are starstruck and seem to forget how to speak for a moment; having her immediately become aware of your crush would be mortifying.

"First," you reply.

Cate's smile grows. "First thing in the morning hmm? That's nice. Now tell me, what is your name?"

"Y/N," you say.

She comes closer to you. "That's a really pretty name. Well, in order to have a proper welcome..." her hand shoots out.

You grab Cate's hand and shake. Her grip is tight and her shake is hard. Once you're done with that, you speak.

"1984, that's one of my favorites."

Her smile soon blooms across her face. "I've read this book so many times before and enjoyed it each time. What do you think of Oceania?"

You stand there, deep in thought. Even though you are deep in thought, you can't help but notice Cate's eyes dip down to your cleavage and stay there for a while. As soon as you look up, she does. She gives you an intense stare.

"I, uh... I believe that this society is one based upon control of the elite more than anything. After all, all of the restraints in place are put more on the party members that the proletarians, which make up most of society. To control the poor, you must control the elite." You pause again and look down awkwardly.

"What a smart girl you are."

Suddenly Cate comes up even closer to you. You are looking down one second, and then feel a hand reach down to your chin and gently lift upwards. You are once again looking her in the face. You feel intoxicated by her presence and melt into her hand. Your eyes focus onto Cate's face and everything else becomes a blur. Her thumb strokes your chin and your chin tingles where she had touched you.

"I can tell you will do well in this class, and I can also tell that we both share a love for books. Those are both very good starts for you here."

Your eyes are glassy and still at this point. Cate begins to trail her hand down to your neck and begins to lean her face in. Suddenly, there is movement in the doorway: another student has approached. Cate snaps her hand and face away and you are disappointed in the sudden loss of contact. The other student, a boy wanders in. You feel as if your precious time was interrupted. Oh well, you think. There's always tomorrow.

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