Cherry constelations [Lou x Debbie]

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Cherry constelations
by dulciscoeur

Improvisation is always fun, or: there is, turns out, another use for that snakeskin leather belt Lou owns, OR: I'm just giving the gays what they want.

Debbie's always found it erotic watching Lou undress— the way she bends to take off her ankle boots, the movement making the stretchy material of her leather pants seem like it's painted on the roundness of her ass. She unbuttons her vest with skilled fingers, those same fingers then fumbling to loosen the knot of her tie, pulling it off, revealing a love bite that's been hiding behind it, only few hours old. Debbie particularly loves watching the muscles of her back stretch when she removes the vest, absolutely loves it when she takes off the many necklaces she wears, each of them dangling across her bare breasts, goosebumps appearing on her skin when they touch her nipples lightly. And then her rings. Oh, the rings. She knows Lou is not doing it deliberately, but so very slowly, so very carefully, she twists and pulls and twists and pulls, one by one, and with every clink of the jewelry against the hardwood of the dresser, Debbie feels her breath hitch. There's quiet anticipation stirring low in her belly, warmness spreading all over her chest by the time her hands are bare at last.

Outside, the night is quiet, the moonlight through the window casting a blueish shadow over her skin, making her appear... handsome, in a dark, sultry kind of way. Simultaneously, the golden light coming from the bathroom behind her and the lamp on the bedside table warms her complexion and casts shadows on all the right places. Perfect.

When Lou turns to her, hands at her belt, the full moon picks out gleaming highlights in her grey eyes. She tilts her head, gives her that lopsided grin of hers to let her know she's caught her staring and that she's pleased, thank you very much. Debbie's disturbed by how attractive she finds Lou's smugness.

She looks away for a second to grab the air conditioner remote.

"Am I making you hot?" Lou mocks, accented voice a husky purr.

The room fills with the soft noise of the air conditioner running and Lou's presence. Debbie's mouth quirks but she doesn't answer. Instead, she focuses on the slim fingers working the buckle, acutely aware of Lou's eyes on her.

Finally standing up, Debbie closes the distance between them and replaces Lou's hands with hers.

"I like this belt," she says, not really knowing why.

She's seen Lou putting it on that morning after they showered together, felt it deliciously pressing against her whenever Lou, as usual, stood too close to her throughout the day. Well, maybe that's why.

"This?" Lou laughs and looks down at herself, surprised. Debbie hums in response. "Thanks. I stole it."

Debbie rolls her eyes at that. Of course she did.

She unfastens the belt slowly and tugs it free from the loops, testing the material on her palm. It's not that wide, but the black leather is thick and deliciously heavy, built to last. Fingertips brush over the smooth velvety inner part, the snake pattern on the other side subtly shining where the light hits as she bends it in half, slightly rough edges scratching her. Its scent, rich and earthy, suits Lou perfectly. Curious, she takes a swing. It lands harder than she intended against her left palm, loud thud echoing in her hears. Nerve endings immediately seem to complain where the belt hit, prickling, making her entire body vibrate.

"I really like this belt," she repeats, this time gaze locked on Lou's, eyes very bright, glancing meaningfully.

Debbie hears Lou's intake of breath hitch in her throat, her usually clear eyes becoming dark in realization, pupils dilated. She's quiet for so long that Debbie thinks she won't get the answer she was expecting. Her voice burns up the silence when she speaks.

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