Like running water through my hands [Lou x Debbie]

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Like running water through my hands
by 2_years_apocalypse

Debbie can't focus on work because she's too busy thinking about Lou. As any woman would, she leaves work and goes home to her wifey instead.

"Baby, you're wasting water." Lou jumped a little in the shower and turned around. She hadn't heard Debbie enter the bathroom. She wasn't supposed to be home yet anyway.

"You're early. Something happened?" Lou asked as she tried to wipe water and wet hair out of her face to be able to see anything at all.

"I missed you, that's what happened" Debbie replied matter-of-factly, stepping out of her black pants, and quickly moving to unbutton her blouse.

She had had a hard time focusing on work today. Lou's body had without any particular reason other than being Lou's body taken up more and more of her mind as the afternoon went by, and eventually she had had no other choice but to postpone her last meeting of the day. She wasn't doing a good job and that was just not acceptable.

As soon as she had rid herself of her last piece of clothing she stepped into the shower, letting the hot water hit her skin like the warmth of the first rays of sunlight. She stood behind Lou and slid her arms around her waist, pulled her in close – her chest against Lou's back, buried her face in Lou's wet hair and closed her eyes.

Lou turned her head and spoke to Debbie over her shoulder: "You're cold", and she wrapped her arms over Debbie's. "I missed you too", she smiled. They stood like that for what felt like an hour but what was probably just a few minutes, warm water running down their entwined bodies, nothing else present but the dripping sound of water hitting the floor and the safe feeling of each other's heartbeats.

Slowly, slowly the warmth of the water found its way through Debbie's cold skin, and one at a time her muscles began to relax. It struck her how funny it was, that just being close to Lou could calm her mind so easily, when otherwise it always seemed unstoppable. She started stroking her thumbs gently up and down Lou's sides, brushing her lips against Lou's wet hair, down to the side of her neck. She felt Lou take a deep breath and exhale as she started leaving soft kisses on her pale skin. Lou meant to turn around, but before she could, Debbie's grip around her waist was suddenly tightened and she found herself in a moment of confusion, not really knowing what to do, as she realized she clearly couldn't move without using a lot of force.

"Honey...?" Lou tried, but was silenced by Debbie's hand over her mouth, and in an instance the mood was changed.

"Will you let me do this?" Debbie whispered in Lou's ear, pressing closer to her, making Lou take an involuntary step forward and leaving her with her front against one of the tile walls of the shower.

Lou didn't need any time to think. Her voice was deep, daring, and doubtless: "Yes". She was pushed hard against the shower wall, Debbie's body pressed up against her.

"You know I've thought about you all day" Debbie's lips were brushing against the skin right behind Lou's ear. "I've been going crazy for you" Her voice was raspy, and she placed some hot kisses on Lou's neck. "I thought about all the things I wanted to do to you – where I wanted to touch you, how your body would respond to my lightest touch and how you'd sound when I made you come."

Debbie's words and the way she was grinding her body against her quickly had Lou more than aroused and made her want to turn around and just swallow Debbie whole, but she couldn't. Instead she moaned, a throbbing between her legs, and let Debbie push her harder against the wall.

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