You're Being Whiny [Debbie x reader]

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You're Being Whiny
by amerrierworld

(smut) You've been touch-starved, and Debbie barely seems to notice, so you try to get her attention.

"Get dressed," Debbie said, poking her head into the bedroom, where you were digging through your wardrobe.

"What do I wear?" you asked, nearly hysterical in the stress of deciding on an outfit, but Debbie was already gone from the room. You frowned as you were left alone, again.

You had been left alone all day, in fact. Sure, you lived together, but Debbie had been so cooped up with some kind of job that you had barely even gotten a conversation out of her. Let alone had sex.

She never let you in on the details of her job, because if she ever got caught, it be best if you weren't involved, so you let her be. But Jesus, a little care and attention for you would be nice. You did your best to be there for her when she was so hyper fixated on other things, but all that's been causing was extra stress on both your minds.

And today you had a big event to go to as a couple, but rather than excitement building up, Debbie had barely mentioned it until this morning. She was so taken by her work that you had ended up forgetting it entirely. And now you suddenly had to pick something to wear, and that stressed your already-grumpy mind out to no end.

You pursed your lips, feeling extra bratty today, wondering if you'd be able to make Debbie look at you just a little more, and grabbed a short crop top, and an even shorter denim skirt. Some ridiculous heels added on should do the trick.

You stepped out to the main hallway where Debbie was reaching for her keys. Hair curled softly, makeup bold but sensual. She was wrapped in her thick, black coat, and her bare legs underneath suggested she was wearing a dress. You wondered which one, and were about to ask when she finally looked up at you and her eyes flashed something furious.

"You are not going out in that," Debbie scoffed, raking her eyes over your form.

"Why not?" you grumbled, looking down and tugging at the skirt, "isn't it good enough for you?"

A hand grasped your wrist and the other your chin, forcing your eyes to meet hers.

"You're being whiny, Y/N," Debbie snapped, "you know better than to dress like that for a gala dinner. Go change, now."

You pouted dramatically, tugging your hand away and crossing them over your barely-covered chest. You didn't budge from your spot.

A slim eyebrow raised slowly at your defiance, and you found yourself getting nervous as Debbie calculated what to do next. You chewed your lip and hoped she'd lay you over her lap, or maybe take out the restraints that had been laying unused in your drawers for far too long.

"Fine," she said sternly, turning around, heels clicking on the floor. "You can stay home then."

Wait. No. That wasn't what you wanted. The gala was a big one, one that you had been looking forward to. You only wanted to have Debbie give you a bit more attention, because you needed it.

"No!" you replied, clenching your fists by your sides. Oh, you really were whining now.

Debbie halted, slowly, and turned back. Her hand undid the buckle of her coat and shrugged it off, revealing a backless burgundy dress that shimmered as she walked. It was one of your personal favourite looks on her.

She undid her heels, taking her sweet time. You glanced at the nearest clock, hoping this wouldn't make you late. Debbie hated being late.

Once she was barefoot, she neared you and set her hands on her hips.

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