Let the wind carry the words I have [Galadriel x reader]

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Let the wind carry the words I have 



not smut 

No, it wasn't your intention to make the Lady of Light jealous. Heck, you didn't even know she is jealous. But lords forbid, she is adorable when she is, and it was fun making the calm and composed lady act out of character.

The poor Legolas, however, doesn't find it funny one bit. He didn't and won't want to be at the receiving end of Galadriel's wrath, but since he needs a favour from you, he doesn't have a choice.

He needed your help to make a gift for Tauriel, and you needed him to finally make Galadriel admit she likes you. It's a win-win situation. Together with the help of your trusted friend Gandalf, you were sure you can make that happen.

You and the Lady of Lothlorien had been dancing around each other for a millennium now, neither of you ready to acknowledge your feelings for one another. Or, none of you wanted to be the first to confess.

Galadriel can't help but feel green with envy as she sees you so close with Legolas. She knows you two are friends, and she knows the elven prince has a thing for another elven woman, so just why are you two acting like that?

It also doesn't help the constant taunting remarks of people around you, particularly Gandalf's. She was getting tired of hearing the wizard sing about how you two would be great together. How you make a fine pair and bear beautiful chil-

She doesn't want that. Yet, she doesn't do anything to sate her jealousy except glare daggers on you and Legolas and quip cold and sarcastic remarks when one of you (especially you) would talk to her.

This has been going on for (millennia and) two weeks and everyone around you are not having it any longer. They decided to take matters into their own hands.

Galadriel was frantic as she searches for you everywhere. You and Legolas were nowhere to be found, and the hearsay going around that you two had eloped didn't help.

Eloped? To where? Maybe you two really are together. I swear Y/N doesn't see Legolas that way. But... How- What if- Am I too late?

Your voice had brought her out of her reverie. Her heart sank at the scene playing in front of her, as the woodland elf enclosed you in a tight hug. You looked too in love in Galadriel's eyes, her resolve crumbling as she talked telepathically to you.


You thought it was only a figment of your mind until your eyes caught a clad of white hiding behind the trees from afar. You pulled away from Legolas, thanked him for being a great friend (and accomplice) and wished him luck with Tauriel.

Once he disappeared into the forest, you approached Galadriel while talking in your mind.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard you and Legolas eloped."


"I just wanted to... Nothing."

"Did you follow us?"


"Then why are you here?"

You stopped right in front of her, waited for her response while you stared into each other's eyes. It took a while before Galadriel answered, contemplating. She is the Lady of Light, one of the greatest elves in Middle-Earth, she had defeated many evil forces, so why was she struggling to answer a simple question?

"I... I was going to tell you something important. But it doesn't matter now."

"It matters if you followed me all the way here. What is it?" you insisted, momentarily forgetting about your game as you grew concerned.

"I was afraid I was going to lose you. I heard this rumour that you and Legolas were to elope, and I hoped to tell you how much... you mean to me. Gi melin, Y/N."

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to hear that, Galadriel," you beamed.

She only gave you a perplexed look, clearly baffled by your reaction. You laughed in return, then went to explain what had been transpiring for the past two weeks. She wasn't clearly amused, but still pleased that the pining had been addressed.

"Gi melin, Galadriel."


Meanwhile, at the council chamber of Rivendell stood Gandalf, Thranduil, and Elrond, all looking towards you with delight.

The wizard grinned, "I never had doubts on Y/N's plans."

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