|𝑂𝑢𝑟 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦|

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A/N : Hello!! I know I've been gone for a month or so, but I'm back☺️ my updates won't be weekly like before but I'll start updating regularly soon. Hope you can all understand and enjoy this short little fluffy imagine requested by tammyxxbarnes thank you for your request and for being supportive of my content! 🥰 (sorry it took soooo long) hope you like it <3

Fluff!! 💓✨

You opened your puffy eyes, waking up from your unplanned nap with a small gasp

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You opened your puffy eyes, waking up from your unplanned nap with a small gasp. Quickly sitting up, you saw through the window of your bedroom that the daylight in Naboo was no longer there and it had been taken over by the night. You took the blanket off your body and grabbed your robe to get out of the bedroom.

Your footsteps were rapid, even if you were a blink away from falling asleep again. Quiet curses left your lips in whispers as you walked down the poorly iluminated hallway. You finally reached the light green colored door and opened it slowly so it wouldn't make any noise. When you peaked your head through it, the most beautiful sight was found.

"Shh...it's okay, princess. It's okay. Mommy's had a long day taking care of you two and she's taking a nap. I wish you would fall asleep at once too, but it's alright. You know...sometimes I feel like we're already alike! I know you've been born only a couple months ago, but you are a Skywalker for sure, yes you are!" Anakin held Leia close to his chest, holding her little head in his flesh hand as he talked to her softly. You smiled as you watched him being so gentle and sweet with her. You were so happy that he was there to take care of the twins while you weren't there, but you also felt a slight guilt from falling asleep and leaving him with the two little demons. "Look who's here, baby look." He whispered with a big smile as he turned to look at you. Leia's brown eyes focused on you and you opened your mouth with a smile as you stretched your arms to pick her up. Leia squealed as she realized it was you who was there.

"Hi baby!" You whispered while putting your hands on her and bringing her to your chest. Her little hand pulled on your shirt sloppily and you kissed the top of her head while you made her bounce slightly.

Anakin smiled and looked into your eyes before walking closer and kissing you. "Did you sleep well?" He whispered while caressing your cheek with his thumb and shifting his gaze from yours to Leia.

"Yeah, I completely passed out. I'm sorry I fell asleep." You said and he shaked his head.

"What are you talking about, love? Nonsense. You're tired, I get it. I am too." He spoke quietly as you placed small kisses on Leia's head. You smiled at him and pressed your cheek to his hand while closing your eyes in bliss. "But mommy's doing such a good job, isn't she?" He baby talked to Leia and you giggled.

"Thank you." You mouthed. "Is Luke asleep?"

"Yeah, he fell asleep a while ago, but she is non-stop." Anakin chuckled quietly.

𝐴𝑛𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑘𝑦𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠Where stories live. Discover now