Chapter 3

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'Soo (Y/N), how come that you're lost in the first place?'

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'Soo (Y/N), how come that you're lost in the first place?'

As it turns out, Venti is kind of annoying. No minute passes without the male asking you general stuff about you.

You yourself aren't sure whether if he does this out of pure curiosity, suspicion or a mixture of both. Whatever it is, it is exhausting to make sure that everything you say fits together.

'That is quite hard to answer... As you already know, me and Rosa are currently travelers. Since we were tired, or at least I was tired, we decided to drive a bit with a bypassing carriage. We fell asleep and woke up on a field, without any other belongings besides my necklace. I don't know what happened while we were asleep but it can't be too good.'

The bard appears to be lost in his thoughts. 'Sounds unlucky...'

'That's all? No 'And where were you heading?' Nothing? Did he give up getting some hidden truth out of me?'

Suddenly, you hear something growl. After almost a minute, you hear it again but this time you can locate it in Venti's stomach.

'Hungry already? We didn't even walk that far...', you sigh. 'Maybe you just wanted to help me in hope of food.'

Now it's the turn of your stomach to growl.

The bard smirks. 'I think you're the one who is hungry here~ You misheard your own growl as mine and in reality you pretend to be lost so that a kind stranger, like me, offers you food~  You have luck that I am a stranger who does not mind sharing. Well, at least if I had food...'

An even louder growl, this time from both of you. '...and I guess that the two of us have to search for anything edible now.'

After a short discussion you and the male agree on the plan that he will hunt for meat and you will look for anything else that could be useful for cooking.

'At least I do know what ingredient can be used for what... but it would be interesting to see whether if an Archon can get sick because of food poisoning... Am I a horrible human being for thinking about this?'

Weighting the risks and chances up, you come to the conclusion that poisoning Venti isn't beneficial.

With the help of Rosa, you find some sweet flowers, sunsettias and a single mint plant.

You take all these items to the meeting point and wait for the drunkard to arrive too. Since you have time to spare you take off your necklace and hold the stone against the sun. Despite the fact that the small star-like crystals in it sparkle, the stone itself appears to be non-transparent.

The pink seelie floats next to it to get your attention.

'Is something wrong?'

It pats itself with its ear-like things on its head.

You stare at the pink orb. '...Is something wrong with you?'

Rosa starts to aggressively pat itself.

'You wanna have a drum? Be more specific, we only know each other for something like a day! I can't read your thoughts!'

It stops patting itself and points at your hands and waits for you to understand this gesture. Rosa continues its explanation and pats itself again, this time in a more demonstrative and slow manner.

'Ahhh, you want me to pet you.' You follow the command of the small being.

'FRIENDS, I AM BACK!' There we have Venti with a bag full of fowl and in his other hand...

'A bottle of wine? I don't know how the forests here in Mondstadt work but I don't think that a bottle of wine is something you should find there.'

The bard shrugs. 'Dunno, it did actually just lay on the floor. Since it looks and tastes like normal wine I won't complain.'

The two of you prepare a meal, well it is more like you preparing it while the male annoys you, but there is something getting prepared.

'...Venti, could you maybe stop staring at me?'

'But it is so nice to watch somebody working while you yourself do nothing, especially when that somebody is so nice to look at~', the male whines.

You sigh in frustration and ignore the person beside you who acts like he already drank a bottle or is only 10 years old.

Having the meal finished, you continue the way to Mondstadt. This time it seems like the bard came to the conclusion that talking non-stop does no good to your mood.

The times you glance at him, the constant smile on his face does not look forced like before, but peaceful.

'Did he decide to trust me for now? ...Better than being on bad terms with somebody as important as him, I guess.'

The walk proceeds like that for almost an hour until you three stop in front of a bridge which you do recognize.

'Ah, look over there! That's the city of Mondstadt. Looks like it's time to separate. I have somewhere else to go to. I hope you find a safe place to stay for the night. Bye!' Venti walks away suddenly, waving with his left hand.

'Right. I hope we'll see each other in the near future!', you scream back at him.

'Pretty sure we will, be it because of the nature of your existence or beacause of the fact that you're so cute.'

Next stop: Mondstadt, the city of freedom.

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy~

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy~

Schwärmerei - Yandere Genshin Impact x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now