Chapter 37

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Based on what people answered god knows how many chapters ago, (Y/N)'s weapon of choice will be a spear from now on. (Honorable mention: gun or gun-like items.)

An unclear time later you are woken up by the sound of singing birds

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An unclear time later you are woken up by the sound of singing birds. A butterfly sits down on your nose, tickling it in the process. You turn around, still having your eyes closed, to get rid of that annoying sensation, only to notice something else.

This isn't a bed you're lying on - it's dirt and grass. No Fatui, no Teucer, no Snezhnaya. Just you, the earth and the sunny sky.

'Why does this feel like a déjà vu moment?' You observe yourself and your surroundings. 'This is clearly not Mondstadt, so it is unlikely that time went... funny ways. But how in the world did I get that high up in the mountains? And who changed my clothes? Well, at least they left my stone around my neck... Rosa?' Nothing. 'Great. Just great. What the fúck happened again?'

'An Adepti brought you here. He said that you've been poisoned and almost abducted.'

Turning around you see a woman with snow-white hair. 'Yeah... Hi? How long have I been unconscious?'

'A few days.'

'How is Liyue Harbor doing?'

'Why are you asking?'

You start to slightly sweat upon seeing how cold and serious the woman glares down on you. 'Did any furious god attack it? If yes, did the problem get resolved?'


'I... see... Do you happen to know where my pink Seelie or a blond traveler named Aether are right now?'

'Your pink friend is with me. As for Aether, I have no knowledge about his whereabouts.', another feminine voice answers. Next to the approaching crane is also Rosa who immediately cuddles up to your face.

'There's my cute little baby~ Generally asking, what gives me the honor of being saved by Adepti?'

'That is something you have to ask Xiao himself.'

'And where is he?'

'I am over here.', the Yaksha answers from the top of a stone and jumps down.

Noticing that you are the only one who is sitting on the ground, you try to stand up and fall over shortly after, probably because of the drug that is still in your system.

'Shenhe dear, would you help our guest up?', Cloud Retainer asks.

Shenhe doesn't answer but simply grabs your hand with that much force that you crash into her, more specifically with your face into her boobs. With a brightly red face you stumble backwards and this time manage to stay on your feet. 'S-sorry.'

'Why are you looking at me like that?'

The urge to burry yourself in the ground increases with every second of this embarrassing moment. Luckily, only Cloud Retainer appears to get your problem.

'N-nothing at all... Back to our previous topic: Xiao, why and how exactly did you rescue me?'

'I helped you because I believe that there is something rather... odd about you. And as for the how: I did it quietly. They didn't even notice my presence so there was no need for more... violent methods.'

You let out a sigh of relief. 'Phew, would have been bad if Teucer got traumatized because of my existence... What do you mean with odd though? As far as I remember we haven't met before...'

'Some time ago I happened to overhear a conversation between you and the traveler. The content was something that is so rarely known by mortal souls that I believed that it would be smarter to keep an eye on you. Only outside of Liyue Harbor, but even that proved that you can't be a mere commoner.'

'So, you're saying that you... basically stalked me? I mean, I get your point but I am not a threat or anything like that to Liyue. I just have more trivia than I should have.', you nervously sweat.

'And why is that so?', Shenhe joins Xiao's serious glare with an equally unwelcoming empty stare.

'I... don't... know..? It's something... I've been born with? I really am not a bad guy. The... former... Geo Archon even considered me as a friend, if that somehow helps.'

Cloud Retainer steps forward. 'How curious. Does that mean that you aren't human?'

'As far as I know I am a normal human...'

The Adepti in the form of an animal shakes her head. '...I suppose there is no need to discuss something you have no actual knowledge of. What do you wish to do now, my child?'

'Ehh... Probably walk around in Liyue first and if I don't find Aether here, I will go to Mondstadt and try my luck there.'

Now it is Xiao's turn to ask again. 'You want to wander without any possibility to defend yourself?'

'I don't have any weapon and Aether isn't here so yeah...'

'I can give you a spear.'

'Xiao has apparently a good day today.' You awkwardly scratch your head. 'I have never used a spear before...'

Before Xiao can answer you, Cloud Retainer does. 'I am certain that both Shenhe and Xiao are willing to teach you the basics.'

Wanting to protest, you open your mouth but close it shortly after again. 'If I get fighting lessons now, I will be able to kick other people's ásses and I won't have to completely rely on Aether for that... And it's not like Aether necessarily needs my help to go on with his journey.' You observe the other two for any sign of protest which you don't find.

Rosa offers you a high-five that you accept wholeheartedly. 'Yahooo!'

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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