Chapter 66

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No, I didn't disappear or abandoned this book - living is just stressful for me and I kinda didn't have time to write at all.

I am sorry y'all for being that type of unreliable author :(

Laying in the fresh grass, you observe the Windwheel Aster that is growing right in front of your face

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Laying in the fresh grass, you observe the Windwheel Aster that is growing right in front of your face. Thanks to the blowing wind, its petals are rotating just like a real wind wheel. Rosa seems to share your temporary fascination and observes the flower as well while sitting on your head.

Suddenly a shadow appears over you. “What are you doing?” It is Dainsleif.

“Looking at a flower?”

“Weren’t you in Mondstadt before? Windwheel Asters shouldn’t be something new for you.”

To be able to look at the tall blonde, you sit up. His expression is perfectly neutral. “But I have never paid much attention to them. Isn’t it interesting how a plant can grow into such a complex form?”

Dain shakes his head. “…If you say so. Did you take the medication I made you?”

“Mhm. For the fact that it was medicine it tasted great. What did you use for it?”

“Herbs, obviously. Going over the entire list if ingredients would probably only bore you. To give it a proper taste I had to almost double the original ingredients.”

“Aww, how nice of you! You must really feel bad for letting me fall into my almost-certain death.” A small sarcastic smile forms on your lips.

Dainsleif turns his head away, but you were able to see a hint of guilt in his eyes.

“You don’t have to-“

Kaboom. Somewhere in the distance an explosion took place. Quickly you stand up and want to head towards the source of it. If it is who you think it is then you could say hi to some old friends.

Before you can go too far, Dain grabs you by your collar. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“But somebody could be hurt or-“

“That isn’t our concern. If you rush to everyone who you believe might need help, you will find yourself in a bad place one day.”

“And you will destroy a lot of bridges with your pessimism. C’mon, let us take a quick look. If danger really awaits us there, you could just protect us, right? You are stronger than most people I know after all.” Cupping Dainsleif’s hands with your own, you put on the best puppy eyes you have. “Pleaaase.”

There is so much conflict in Dain’s eyes that one could almost mistake it for a battlefield. Just when you believe that he will give in into your pleas, your hopes get shattered. “No.” Without giving you a chance to retort, he picks you up and shoves you over his shoulders.

“Hey! Put me down! I am not a fricking sack of potatoes!” With all the strength you have you try to wiggle out of the Khaenri’ahn's grasp. Not only is your struggle futile, but your wounds also start hurting again in the process.

Your flinch doesn’t go unnoticed by Dain. “Don’t let your heart and goddamn stubbornness make you neglect your own health and well-being. We will go the opposite direction and that is final.”

As if it wants to mock you, your little Seele appears to side with your opponent this time and sits down on his head peacefully.

Traitor.” Defeated, you sigh. “Could you at the very least let me have some dignity and carry me like a normal person?”

“And how do you define ‘like a normal person’?”

For a short moment a picture of Dainsleif carrying you bridal-style pops up in your mind, but you immediately shake it off. “How about letting me sit on your shoulders?”

“Fine.” He stops in his tracks and swiftly repositions you so that you are seated the way you requested. “Make sure to properly hold onto my head. The paths here are rather uneven.”

Uneven was an understatement. The beginning of the walk reminded you of a ride on a rollercoaster. Only once you left the mountain-like path behind you, things got a bit more comfortable. Now you are on the path that leads from Dawn Winery to, eventually, Liyue. To be more precise – there where the Cryo Slime family usually hangs out and attacks every traveler who passes by. Luckily, they aren’t present right now. From your current position you can still see the winery in the distance.

While Dain wants to go further the path towards Liyue, you try to signal him to stop. “Could we please not? I genuinely don’t want to risk having that conversation with a certain someone…”

“Crossing Liyue is a lot easier to travel in general, though I suppose it isn’t worth the risk if you are that worried. Could I ask you what happened between you and that certain someone?”

“I kinda broke a contract and…” You stop speaking and remember the odd declaration of his love that you got to witness from Zhongli. No, you certainly won’t tell Dainsleif of that embarrassing part.

“And what?”

“…and nothing. Nothing at all. Haha…” At this point you don’t mind that it is obvious for the blonde that you are lying. This is a mutual thing.

All of the sudden, someone else’s voice joins the conversation. “Hey, hey. Isn’t that my dear (Y/N)? How long has it been since we last saw each other?” Turning around you and Dain see Kaeya in all his glory. “Any chance that your shoulders are tired of carrying them around? I would gladly carry my lovely friend for the rest of the way.” Despite the tone of his voice being – in your eyes – clearly joking, you can feel your carrier tense up beneath you.

I hope this was enjoyable despite not having written for a few month - and of course stay healthy!

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I hope this was enjoyable despite not having written for a few month - and of course stay healthy!

Schwärmerei - Yandere Genshin Impact x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now