Chapter 5

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Important question at the end of the chapter!

On your way to the Knights of Favonius headquarters you spot small groups of people sometimes

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On your way to the Knights of Favonius headquarters you spot small groups of people sometimes. Most of them look like they already had enough drinks for this evening.

Mondstadt does look the same way you remembered it, the only difference being more logical working times for characters like the blacksmith or Katheryne.

'If I think about it, at what point in the story am I? If Kaeya is here I can't be that far away from the main story... Did I miss the traveler's arrival or is the protagonist yet to come? I wonder if it is Lumine or Aether...'

You feel someone tackle your head. 'What's wrong Rosa?'

The small orb points at the male next to you. 'You do have a tendency to fall so deep in thoughts that you barely notice anything happening around you, do you? We have arrived at our destination.'

Looking where the charming male points, you see that, in fact, you have arrived at the headquarters.

'Here we go. This gives me flashbacks of the prologue.'

You and Kaya enter the building and are greeted by almost the whole group you would expect to see there: Lisa, Klee, and Amber. The only one missing is the Acting Grand Master Jean, at least if you are time-wise close to the original main story.

The only male in the room steps forward and speaks up. 'I am back and I got somebody with me.', he stops and looks at you and Rosa, 'The beauty's name is (Y/N) and the Seelie  goes by Rosa. They have been robbed of all of their possessions and need some help. Do you ladies know if we have a room left?'

Amber rushes towards you and takes your hands into hers. 'Oh, did bandits mug you? Did they hurt you? Do you need medical help?'

You startle at the brunette's straightforwardness.

'Too close...'

Before you can answer the librarian speaks with her soft voice. 'Amber, just look, you're making our guest flustered. I think I see no wounds, so it should be fine.'

The archer takes some steps back with a deep red blush on her cheeks. 'Oh, s-sorry:..'

'Ah, no problem. I am thankful that you're worried about me.', you try to reassure her.

'Anyways,', the Electro Vision holder starts speaking again, 'We didn't introduce ourselves, didn't we? My name is Lisa - I am the local librarian. The blushing mess is Amber and this little kid over here is Klee.'

The door behind you opens up. '-and that is Jean, our current Acting Grand Master.'

The blonde seems surprised at your additional presence.

Klee hops towards the woman. 'Jean, Jean! Today I went on a treasure hunt! It was total fun! There was no treasure though... And that over there is (Y/N) and... eh... Ruby?'

'Rosa, close enough. I am sorry to bother you at such a late hour, but after we've been robbed of our belongings, we have nowhere to go to.', you finish the explanation.

'In that case, we are glad to help you. Let me think... Ah, there should be a room left in the attic. It is more comfortable than it sounds, no worries.', Jean smiles at you.

You smile back. 'Thank you so much. I'll make sure to repay you one day!' Going up you wave all of the attending people goodbye.

When you arrive at your destination you open up the rather large door. Inside you find a lavishly decorated room. In it there is a king-size bed, a chandelier, a table made of marble and many figures.

'Yeah, that's the nicest attic I have ever seen. Maybe if I fall asleep here I will wake up in my bed again... do I even want that? This isn't the worst game to be stranded in...'

Your thoughts are interrupted by a pair of hands suddenly placed on your shoulders. 'This thoughtfulness could kill you one day.'

Looking behind you, you see the same male who got you to this place. 'For god's sake, Kaeya, if you continue like this I will more likely die because of a heart attack!'

The knight puts up his hand in a defensive manner with a smirk resting on his lips. 'Chill, I only wanted to check if you found your room. You basically invite people to scare you. Even the Seelie has nothing against it as it didn't warn you even though it did see me. But to ease your mind, I will leave now, sweet night~', Kaeya winks.

You remember one of the questions that crossed your mind not so long ago. 'Wait! I have one question: I have heard about a dragon terrorizing this city. Is it still around?' 

The blue-haired male looks surprised at your question. 'Stormterror? No, it has been recently defeated by a traveler. Why the question?'

'Damn it. I missed the traveler.'

'I was just wondering whether if I have to look out for a dangerous dragon when I take a stroll outside. Thank you for-... and he's gone. Well, I am not going to run after him.', you shake your head.

Rosa floats towards the large bed and jumps up and down on it.

'You're right, it's time to sleep. This has been an exhausting day.'

You plop down on the bed and put the pink creature in your arms like a stuffed animal. Against your expectation, it doesn't resist.

After several minutes you stand up again.

'I need to know whether if Lumine or Aether is the traveler. I can't sleep, I need answers.'

Like serious question: Aether or Lumine? Both of them will appear as yanderes but their roles and timing are going to be different

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Like serious question: Aether or Lumine? Both of them will appear as yanderes but their roles and timing are going to be different.

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

Schwärmerei - Yandere Genshin Impact x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now