Chapter 97

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Question which has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter: Which weather do you guys prefer? I personally prefer rain, but these constant switches between hot summer days and rainy days here im Germany is starting to annoy me.

Question which has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter: Which weather do you guys prefer? I personally prefer rain, but these constant switches between hot summer days and rainy days here im Germany is starting to annoy me

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There you are, back in the same old divine halls you were confined in not too long ago. Thank god Dottore was strolling through Sumeru City so Cyno didn't have to think of a plan to lure him out of his lab. Still, you don’t feel exactly great standing in front of the giant mechanical puppet. Scaramouche - how should you put it – isn’t as much of a monster as you initially thought, but that doesn’t make it any better. If he were a cold and heartless puppet he probably never would have developed such an interest in you. Things would have been easier for you and maybe for him as well. Having a heart with all the emotions that come with it, seems to be something the Balladeer himself is suffering from. The frustration that comes from that suffering is then something he lets out on other people. Hopefully he isn’t that mad at you for running away so that you can put the blame on Dottore before you get fried to ashes…


The servant who brought you in quickly excuses themselves and leaves the room, afraid of being affected by the god’s mood swings.

Awkwardly you start walking forward towards Scaramouche. It feels as if you are walking on the red carpet and all the photographers have their eyes solely on you. Due to this creeping anxiety, your brain can’t formulate any of the sentences you originally planned on saying.

Once you are in his reach, he quickly picks you up and lifts you to his chest height. “It really is you… You’re back…” Before you can react in any way, his mechanical fingers curl around you and squeeze your body a tad tighter than for your liking. “What where you thinking when running off like that?! Or where you even thinking anything at all? Because it doesn’t seem like there is anything worth mentioning in that little head of yours.”


“Don’t come with any of your pathetic excuses! Do you hate me that much? Time and time again you run away at the first chance you get. And that after I was so generously kind towards you recently… I get the feeling that no matter how I might treat you, the result will remain the same. Perhaps I should-“

Feeling sparks of electricity brush against you, you are quick to open up your mouth. “You misunderstood the whole thing! I didn’t run away from you but from Dottore! That maniac tried to slit my fúcking throat. If didn’t run away you would be holding a corpse right now! You have absolutely nothing to do with this, really. I don’t hate you at all. Please, believe me…” Technically you would have ran away from Scaramouche as well if given the chance, but he doesn’t have to know that.

Both the hand that is holding you so tightly and the body it is attached to remain completely still. What is he thinking about – your murder or Dottore’s? Suddenly, laughter emerges out of the hollow vessel. “Hahaha! You really are a poor little puppy… If nobody watches over you, you will end up dead in some random gutter… hahaha…” He is laughing, yet there is a crack in his voice as if he is crying at the same time.

Is he… alright…? …Why are you even asking. Obviously he isn’t. He is as stable as a forgotten wooden bridge in an old forest. Still, for the sake of politeness you probably should ask him. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes. Why shouldn’t I? After all, I have you back – in one piece at that. And you didn’t even betray me! If it wasn’t for that bastard there wouldn’t have been any problems at all… But tell me: Those bandages… from who do you have them?”

An odd question to ask after having had a weird laughing fit. And to be fair, it isn’t one you are willing to answer either. Saying that it was Tighnari who gave you refuge would endanger his safety and the overall plan to bring this bullshít to an end. “I… Will you get mad at me if I don’t tell you?”

“You can guess the answer yourself.” He pauses, awaiting an answer from you. You on the other hand remain quiet and simply look to the ground. “…But since I feel rather merciful today we can train your obedience later on. At the very least, can you tell me if it was Dottore or someone associated with him?”

“N-no, they weren’t.”

“Do you believe they did a proper job?”

“Yes…? The wounds should heal without any complications now…” What is he getting at? Does he think that you went to a Hilichurl Camp to get patched up or what? No, you don’t look that stupid… you hope.

“Perfect. That means you won’t have to leave me for the time being for check-ups or similar pretexts. If fate is so hard against you staying with me, then I will keep you on a leash so short that it will almost strangle you. There won’t be another option for you other than to stay with me. Yes, that sounds perfect…”

“That sentence would sound better if it was a little bit less… extreme, wouldn’t you agree…?”

“What’s with that hesitation all of the sudden? Did you honestly expect me to be so overly kind that I would allow you to roam around freely? Sorry to disappoint, but that won’t happen.” His grip which already was tight, only becomes more uncomfortable. His hand lifts you higher up to his face. The mechanical shell opens, revealing the smaller body which controls it. He has his signature sadistic grin on his face, but when the light of the purple sparks he creates hits his face right, you can see dried trails tears had left behind. His real right hand reaches out for you and pets your head. “I am your god, your owner, your lover or whatever you fancy more. The only person who will ever understand your situation is me, even if you don’t realize it yourself. I am supposed to be your entire world, do you understand? This is your place.”

Before you can answer in any form, a strong electric shock sends you to the land of dreams.

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

Schwärmerei - Yandere Genshin Impact x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now