Chapter 93

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Praying to get Arlecchino next week and not loose my 50/50...

“Why should I believe you? Any criminal running away from the gallows would tell a tale like the one you are telling me now

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“Why should I believe you? Any criminal running away from the gallows would tell a tale like the one you are telling me now.” His tone is well-composed and almost too cold for someone who stands in front of a person covered in blood.

“Please, I…” What are you supposed to say? ‘Just ask the Fatui.’? Might as well slice your throat open yourself then. How does a nobody prove their innocence to- …Aether. “Do you happen to know the famous blond traveler Aether? The one who is accompanied by a white fairy called Paimon? I am their friend so they will vouch for my innocence. Please…”

As if he realized something, his eyes widen a bit. “Are you (Y/N)?”

“Yes? From where do you…?”

“Tighnari told me.” Having apparently made his choice, the white-haired man takes a long piece of clothing and ties it around your bleeding wound. “This will limit the blood flow to your head, but we don’t have another option at the moment.” With one swift movement he throws you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and starts to run.

“Where are you… taking me…?”

“Safety. Just like you asked of me. Based on what Tighnari told me you aren’t the type of person to earn themselves a death sentence.”

Hearing his words, your body relaxes. No more Dottore and no more cruel experiments. If only it wasn’t for your head starting to throb. He wasn’t joking when he said that your blood flow will be limited due to that piece of fabric around your neck. In fact, you feel like there is nothing arriving in your brain at all. The world becomes blurred more and more until it fades into total darkness.


“-should wake up unless they suffered brain damage from all of this.”, someone’s voice rings in your ears.

“Would you have preferred me to let them bleed out on the spot?”, asks another person.

Groggily, you open up your eyes and see a wooden ceiling. “Huh…?”

Shortly after, a pair of big black ears appear in your vision. “(Y/N)? Can you hear me?”

This male voice – it feels very familiar. To who did it belong again? Right, it was… “…Tighnari?”

“That’s right. It’s me, Tighnari. Cyno is with us as well. I know that you must be currently very tired and disoriented. Still, could you do me a favor and lift your hand to make a fist?”

His tone is so gentle that you follow his request without thinking about it too much.

“Perfect. So far, no neurological damages are apparent.” A relieved sigh escapes his lips.

“A miracle considering I have seen livelier corpses before.”, says someone else.

“Yes, I agree. None of the people I took care of were ever in such a bad condition – not even Collei…”

Since you’re having a hard time keeping up with the conversation, you sit up a bit to see your surroundings better. This is one of the huts in Gandharva Ville and while Tighnari sits next to your bed, that other guy – apparently called Cyno – leans against the wall across from you. You yourself feel rather dizzy. “…Why am I here?”

“I carried you here because you needed the medical attention.”, answers the white-haired man.

“Counter question: How on Teyvat did you get into this condition? I remember that you told me how often you get into trouble, but this? Did you get used as a living test subject by the Akademiya or what?” Originally Tighnari said this half-joking, but seeing you sit there in awkward silence makes him massage his forehead in disbelief. “I didn’t even know they allowed experiments on humans.”

“I too have a hard time believing that the Akademiya would do such a thing.”, adds Cyno.

“I mean it isn’t just the Akademiya but also the Fatui…” To give both of them the bigger picture, you tell them everything you know. Starting with the artificial god, the Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival and ending with the Harbingers. For both Tighnari and Cyno all those pieces of information are a lot to take in, especially for Cyno. Apparently, he works for the Academia as the General Mahamatra and was rather loyal up until now. If you didn’t have Tighnari’s trust, Cyno probably consider you mental case.

“What a mess… Cyno, I know I am asking much of you, yet could you stay a bit in Gandharva Ville and look out for my friend here? I have serious doubts that the Fatui would loose a chopped up lab rat just like that. I will of course do my best to protect them as well, but you are the one with the advanced combat experience.”

Cyno nods. “Sure. I am currently off-duty anyways.”

“Thank you. As much as I would like to stay, I have to get going. Lately, the forest has been acting up more than ever, giving us forest rangers way too much work. (Y/N), if you need anything, ask Cyno. I will be back in the evening… I hope.” Giving you a last smile, he fox-boy heads towards the door.

“Tighnari? Before you go, could I ask something of you?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Could you maybe tell Aether that I am here? He should be wandering somewhere around Sumeru City. If you don’t have the time you can also send someone else…”

Tighnari hesitates before answering you. “Normally, I wouldn’t have any problems with that, but the past has proven that the Traveler doesn’t approve you staying here with me. If we invite him here he will simply make some rash decisions and put your health at risk.”

Right, there was something… “But I am sure that I can convince him to let me stay here for a bit. He doesn’t want to harm me after all.”

“The later part might be true, but somebody with a thick skull as him doesn’t listen once they are convinced of something. So forgive me if I won’t contact the Traveler for now.” Smiling, he pets your head. “Don’t worry. If he gets angry later on, I will listen to his lecture.” With that being said, he leaves.

Both frustrated and tired from the recent events, you let out a deep sigh.

“Would a joke cheer you up?” Cyno remains in his same old position next to the wall and stares at you with a serious expression.

“I am not certain if it will help me but sure, let me hear it.”

“How do you make an egg roll?”

Unsure where this joke is heading, you tilt your head. “…I don’t know…?”

“You push it.”


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