Chapter 74

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I have decided to go with my original plan so that the game content (Y/N) got to see during their former life reaches only till the Chasm.

After a minute of still not having moved, you start to get a tad worried

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After a minute of still not having moved, you start to get a tad worried. You do remember that Aether used to get flashbacks after touching the flowers that came in contact with his sister, but nevertheless his overly serious expression right now doesn’t make it any better.

Dainsleif, who has stood up from his kneeling position a while ago, musters Aether thoroughly, touching his own chin with his left hand. In some way Rosa tries to copy his posture through its ears. “He appears to be in a deep trance… Does this happen often?”

Paimon shakes her head. “As long as Paimon has traveled with him, Paimon can confidently tell you that this isn’t normal for him. Sure, there where a few cursed objects where this happened similarly, but those where – you know – cursed.”

“I can’t remember anything like this happening either. What I could imagine though would be that, if these flowers were placed here by a certain someone, Aether is sensing them because of the strong connection there is between twins…”, you add.

Before anyone can react to what you’ve said, a movement from Aether draws all the attention to him. He shakes his head slowly. “What…”

“Aether! Are you alright? You were out of if for quite a while there.” Paimon floats closer to her friend and checks for his well-being from left to right and back.

“Yes... I am… fine. I just saw a scene where…”

“-Your sister was present?”, you ask carefully.


“And what happened in this vision?”

“She was there with someone who looked like they where from the Abyss. They were checking out this place just as we did.” His eyes move towards yours. A lot of emotions are swirling around his golden irises. One of them is conflicted sadness. “(Y/N), tell me – what type of relationship does Lumine have with the Abyss? Why was she willingly walking alongside the likes of them? Why did this person, monster or whatever call her their princess?”

“She… is in some sort of leading position in the Abyss. I don’t really know much more than that.”

Aether is far from satisfied by your answer. “Why would she side with the Abyss!? You knew about this this whole time – why didn’t you tell me? And you can't just tell me niw that you don’t know anything further. (Y/N), why are you always withholding all the important information from me? This way, you not only let me run into all kinds of dangerous situation, but let the same happen to you, too!”

“I- I didn’t ever mean to let things happen as chaotically as they did. If I told you everything beforehand, it would be similar to a time traveler telling you all the secrets from the future. And in stories as these there is always more damage dealt than done good. Please understand this…” Tears build up in your eyes. “There is a time for everything-”

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