Chapter 34

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I managed to get Albedo!

Also, that moment when you are almost finished with writing and then you're like naah, let's scrap that.

Also, that moment when you are almost finished with writing and then you're like naah, let's scrap that

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Sitting next to the window you wait for Aether to return. A knock on your door averts your attention from the outside. 'Yes?'

The male with dull blue eyes steps inside. 'Was that Aether just now who went outside without saying anything?'

'Yeah. I told him to check on something and if my assumption turns out to be false he should get us breakfast so that his stroll wasn't for nothing.'

'What kind of assumption?'

You close your eyes to concentrate so that you don't say something unnecessary. 'That a certain someone is searching for him.'

'But we are not talking about Scaramouche, right?'

'Of course not! That would be something close to a murder and murder is not good! I am a reasonable person after all... most of the time at least.', your joking tone is accompanied by a wide grin.

'Are you... insulting me?'

'Maybe, maybe not. Being unreasonable doesn't always have to be a purely bad thing. If everyone was reasonable, the world would be boring monotonous.' You think for a moment and shake your head. 'I really shouldn't see things out of the perspective of a player. That mindset will get me killed earlier or later.'

'And there I thought you would be only into the good boy type... though, if I think about it, I could have guessed that.'


'Nothing, I am just happy that you are in such an oddly good mood today.', Childe smiles.

'Don't know why either. Ah right, what I wanted to tell you: You really should store your alcohol better, especially the liqueur. Tonight I ran into Teucer trying to open a Sunsettia liqueur bottle. He mistook it for juice. Just imagine what could have happened if he drank even just one glass, concidering that it is 42% alcohol. Of course I took it away from him before anything could happen, but still.'

'Well, usually there is no one here besides me. Did you get promoted as Teucer's guardian angel or something? If you continue with that speed I won't be able to keep up with my favors.'

'I like the idea of you being indebted to me forever~'

'But Aether certainly doesn't.' The Harbinger looks at the clock on the wall. 'Speaking of him, will he come anytime soon? Getting breakfast normally doesn't take that long.'

You shrug. 'I guess my assumption was right and he went off without us.'

'If your little friend doesn't come back until we are finished with breakfast, could I win you over for a little trip?'

'For some reason my guts tell me that there is something fundamentally wrong with your offer.'

'Aww come on, as if that would stop you~ But if it reassures you: Teucer will come with us so questionable actions are out of the question.'

The argumentation itself is convincing, but the mischievous grin on Childe's lips tells you otherwise. 'I know that you are up to something. Fine, I will come with you, but don't forget that first of all you owe me something and secondly Teucer would be sad if anything happened to me.'

'Deal then.' He takes your right hand and plants a light kiss on it, not breaking eye contact with you for the whole process. In contrast to the gentle gesture, a dangerous shadow lingers over the Harbinger's face.

You shiver and Childe steps way with a light chuckle. 'Let's see if little Teucer and your tiny companions are awake yet.' Without awaiting your answer he goes outside the room.

'Maybe I am just overreacting. Yes, he is simply messing with me... I hope.'

After having changed your clothes you check on the others too. Inside the kitchen you see Teucer playing with Rosa and an annoyed Paimon while Childe is making fried eggs.

As Teucer notices your presence he imidiately jumps down from his chair and runs towards you to hug you. '(Y/N)!'

Rosa follows him and hugs your face with its whole body.

'What a heartwarming greeting I allowed to recieve today, especially considering that we saw each other only two hours ago.' You carry the boy back to his place and sit down next to him.

'Can we play with Mr. Cyclops again? And Aether too, right? Pleeeaase!', Teucer pouts.

'The first part certainly not because... Mr. Cyclops always needs a proper break after playing with someone and as for the last part... Well that depends on weather Aether is actually busy now or if he is just a slowpoke.'

'Where are we going then?'

'That's a good question...' You look at Childe awaiting the answer.

'On today's plan we have a visit to my workplace and then a trip to a place outside of Liyue Harbor~ Of course you will get a fitting uniform so that you don't stand out (Y/N)~'

'On today's plan we have a visit to my workplace and then a trip to a place outside of Liyue Harbor~ Of course you will get a fitting uniform so that you don't stand out (Y/N)~'

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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