Chapter 24

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I am sorry that updates don't happen as extremely often as a few weeks ago, but health-wise I am not doing all that great right now.

I am sorry that updates don't happen as extremely often as a few weeks ago, but health-wise I am not doing all that great right now

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'Sooo.... That means that you'll be acting as something like a personal bodyguard for now?'

'You wouldn't want to get caught now, wouldn't you?'

Closing your eyes you try to find an excuse to turn down his offer. 'Well no, but... ehh...'

'It's no use, I can't find a reasonable explenation that isn't a spoiler for him.'

Childe chuckles. 'Relax (Y/N), neither am I like my colleague nor am I going to charge you for my services. Just enjoy the meal. Your friend should arrive in the near future as I have send my subordinates after him.'

'Fine, but don't forget our deal.'

'I didn't, don't worry, though if we are already speaking of it: How did you even get into that situation?'

You take a bite of your Jade Pacelets and almost cry because of the great taste. 'This is some serious gourmet shít... Ah right, Scaramouche. I think you could call it recruitment with extra steps? A forced one at that. In the end I slipped away with a few broken bones. Well, I provoked the last part, but I annoying him is kinda fun.'

'Forced recruitment? You must have some valuable abilities.'

'Dunno, everyone defines value different.', you shrug. 'How about we just change the subject?'

'As you wish. What about -' A knock on the door interrupts Childe. 'Yes?'

A Fatui underling enters together with a familiar face. 'Master Childe, I brought the traveler you have asked me to.'

Aether looks around and when his eyes land on you he immediately looks relieved. 'You're actually here. I thought that you got lost, kidnapped or worse. I am glad that you're doing well.'

'Should I tell him that the second option technically happened..?'

'I am happy to see you too. The last few days were quite messy. Take a seat.', you point at the chair next to you. Aether doesn't hestitate to follow your offer.

Childe clears his throat. 'Now that we all are gathered around the same table, how about I tell you the things that you would already know if you cooperated from the beginning. I found someone who may be able to help with the question of the whereabouts of the Geo Archon's corpse. He is a friend of the Fatui and works for an organisation called Wangsheng.'

Paimon gasps shocked. 'A friend of the Fatui?! Does that mean that...'

'It's a funeral parlor. They arrange burrials for those who have left the world of the living and not what you're probably thinking right now.', you cut in.

'There is no fun if you take away all the suspense.'

'Well, it is hard to find something that (Y/N) doesn't know. They are the best travel guide you can find.', Aether explains.

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