Chapter 31

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Are you people interested in a Halloween Special for next week? It would have no direct connection to what is happening in this book in general, so there would be more freedom in content, especially in terms of yandere.

I am quite aware that most chapters up until now aren't that focused on the yandere-theme, but that has its main reason in the fact that everyone directly going down that route would make no sense at all. Deep love (or the distorted version of it) doesn't come at first sight normally. Therefore, this book works slowly towards escalation.

Paimon tilts her head in confusion

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Paimon tilts her head in confusion. 'What is that kid... doing?'

'Guys, this is why teaching children about the basic dangers in the world is important. Out of our perspective this is pure suicide, but out of his perspective it is simply a game. Aether, you discretely take care of the Ruin Guard while I take care of the child. Later on, please just play along with whatever I am saying, alright? You will eventually get about what the situation is.'

The Traveler nods. 'I have the feeling that this is going to be exhausting, but fine.'

With high speed you and your friend rush towards the scene of events. The machine lifts its arm, wanting to strike down the naive boy, but since you are faster than it, you are able to drag the kid away in time.

'You're Teucer, right? I am (Y/N), a friend of your older brother, and the guy over there is Aether.', you smile at the boy in your arms.

'Why are you so white? Any why are you taking me away from Mr. Cyclops? We were having so much fun!', the little boy protests, trying to wiggle out of your firm grip.

'Bro, how dense can someone be? There is a fúcking hole in the ground where you were standing a few seconds ago.'

Despite your annoyed inner self, your smile and your cheerful tone remain. 'First of all, pretending to be a ghost is fun and secondly, Mr. Cyclops often has problems to calculate his strength right, so you have to be careful while playing with him and lastly, there is a pizza in the oven that has to be taken out. You want to eat something too, don't you?' Without awaiting his response you go back to your small camp so that Teucer doesn't witness how Aether destroys the Ruin Guard.

Having returned, the first thing you are greeted with is a flying pizza around which a panicking emergency food is floating.

'Rosa, put down the pizza, immediately! You idiot are going to get burned by it!', you yell at the Seelie and quickly put the food on a plate.

Inspecting the pink orb you notice that there is something comparable to a burn mark on its head. 'Rosa, you're hurt... Why did you do that?'

'Because the pizza was getting too dark so we thought that we need to take it out of the oven. But Paimon didn't think that Rosa would do it without the use of a fabric or something like that and when I told it to put the pizza on the ground, it refused to do so.', Paimon pouts.

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