Chapter 61

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"I'm feeling much much better now

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"I'm feeling much much better now. A little fresh air wouldn't hurt me, right?"

"I understand your position, but you know what the current political situation here in Inazuma isn't ideal. I can't strut around outside any more than you can. Life is ungracious to both of us. I'm sure things will change soon though. Until then, we'll have to be patient.", Thoma tells you as he grabs his second serving of fish.

Meanwhile, you haven't even touched your plate. It's not as if the food isn't tasty - quite the opposite. It's delicious as always. Your fever and lack of exercise simply ruined your appetite. Therefore, you drink only some of the tea Thoma provided. "Come on, I'm not saying we should go into the city or anything. There are plenty of nearby places that are completely deserted. Surely you'd like to stretch your legs as well."

"Sorry (Y/N), orders are orders. It's not like we mean you any harm."

You sigh. "...How can some people be so obedient?"

A small chuckle escapes the Fixer's lipps. "I guess that really doesn't match your current stance on life. Sometimes you're highly cooperative, other times it seems like you're doing the exact opposite of what's wanted of you purely out of spite. Somewhat, you remind me of cats."

"As long as you don't start calling me kitty..."

"Why not? It sounds like an adorable nickname."

Yawning, you rest your head on your left hand. "Because I don't want to have counterpart to puppy. Pretty bad memories. I am happy that the most recent ones are blurry..." Your eyes have a hard time staying open.

"Understood. How about you go back to sleep for now, you seem very tired."

"But I... don't...want to..." Despite your efforts to stay awake, your head eventually slips off your hand and slams down on the table with full force.

The smell of food is in the air. It smells like delicious vegetable soup. Unlike the you from your strange dream, you are quite hungry. What would you do to get a filling meal... It smells almost the same as the soup recipe you taught Aether.

"Did you make soup - can I have some?", you mumble.

"Ah, you're awake. Of course, wait a moment.", replies a voice that certainly doesn't belong to Aether.

"...Huh?" Surprised, you open your eyes. You still seem to be in Enkanomiya. Next to you is a blazing fire and above it a metal pot with boiling contents. And on the other side of the pot... Blond hair frames a pale face. In contrast, his clothes are kept very dark.

The stranger gets up and comes to you with a small bowl of soup. "Here."

Although the gesture is quite friendly and you are still very much hungry, you don't move a bit and just stare at him.

"Is something wrong with my face?"

"N-no, not at all... I'm just a little... uh... puzzled. You weren't here earlier... were you?"

"When I found you, you were already unconscious, and for someone with such a high fever, you seemed very... peaceful."

"And you just went out of your way to nurse me back to health?"

It seems that the strange man himself is not sure why he is helping you, as he hesitates a bit in his answer. "I can't do anything but wait at the moment anyway, this place doesn't seem to have an obvious exit, so since you're the only person I've run into here up until now, I was hoping you'd know something."

"Have you tried the hole in the ceiling at the end of the cave?"

He nods. "Yes, however, an invisible barrier seems to block this exit."

"Hmm. Then I have some bad and some even worse news for you."

"I guess one will be that the hole is the only way out. And the other one is?"

Smiling as bright as the sun you look at him. "You have to spend your imprisonment together with the poor cursed me!"

The blond man looks at you confused.

"That was a joke. I'm not exactly a lucky person, but I am not cursed. ...I hope. Well, anyway. Since we're stuck here together - how about we introduce ourselves? My name is (Y/N) and...", you search for your Seelie. On a small blanket you find it still sleeping. "...this is Rosa, my travel companion."

"...I understand, mine is Dainsleif. Would you mind explaining where we are right now?"

Now it's your turn again to stare puzzled at the other. "...If you don't know where you are, how did you end up here in the first place?"

"I was chasing someone and unfortunately I lost track of that person."

"Ah yes... This is Enkanomiya, a special place in Inazuma."

"Enkanomiya then... One of the few places I've never been to. What reason are you here for?"

You shrugg your shoulders. "I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"I just don't know. Probably I ended up here through that entrance, but why I really can't give you a certain answer. Currently I have some sort memory lapse... Maybe because of my fever which - if I might tell you - is allot better now. I feel like I've been reborn. Thank you."

"No need to thank me. The wound on your arm had become badly infected and simply needed to be treated."

"Wound?" You roll up your sleeves and sure enough, your right arm is not only a little numb but also wrapped in bandages. "That... is new to me."

"Curious. Well, I guess it can't be helped. There is no point in asking somebody about events they cannot remember. Eat your soup before it gets cold."

"Oh yeah, sorry." You take the bowl Dainsleif has been holding for the whole conversation with a thankful smile. "Thanks again."

The man only sighs.

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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