Chapter 20

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'This is so awkward.'

Being alone with somebody who hasn't half-kidnapped you and never talked to you before isn't the most comfortable thing.

'I am... sorry that I am somehow interrupting your work...', you apologize to say at least something.

Zhongli smiles gently. 'Like I previously said, there is no problem to it. As my work is almost finished, I'll have plenty of time left for the day anyways. Even though you are friends with Hu Tao, you don't appear to be a troublemaker like her.'

'Well yeah, with these legs that would be rather hard to begin with.'

'Do you need any extra aid because of them? Besides using stairs and reaching items that are too high up of course.'

You shake your head. 'It's very nice that you ask, but you don't have to put in extra effort just because of me. I've already been to Beizhu so the only thing I have to do now is to wait until I regain the feeling in my legs. The wounds themselves are already healed.'

'I see. In case that you need anything, tell me.'

'If I think about it...'

'I know that this comes a bit random, but do you happen to have met a blonde boy in exotic clothing? He and the floating mascot that accompanies him are my friends. During the chaos that was caused by the Rite of Descension we got separated.'

'Blonde and exotic... Not that I would remember. If I see him I will make sure to tell you.'

'Thank you in advance.'

'That means, in theory, their meeting is yet to happen... Staying around Zhongli should be foolproof then.'

Some minutes later the Archon puts aside his paperwork and stands up. 'Do you mind if we go outside for a stroll and get something to eat?'


'The Fatui aren't daring enough to make a move while I am with him...right? Yes yes, and the wig should also help. But there is another thing.'

Avoiding direct eye contact you play with your fingers. 'Without sounding rude or anything: Do you have enough money for the food? I have heard from Hu Tao that you often tend to forget your money or spend to much of it in one go... It's just that I couldn't help you in that case as my friend was in charge of our finances.'

Appears that your concerns weren't without reasoning since the old man kneels down to take is wallet out of a drawer. 'Indeed, I almost forgot it. Thank you for reminding me of it.'

'Knowing so much about others really comes in handy. Just imagining the situation were he ate something expensive and notices just then that he forgot his Mora gives me goosebumps.'

You two head outside and end up buying only two Fisherman's Toasts due to the fact that everything else was sold out.

'I am sorry that there is only such a small dish that I can offer you.'

Again, you have to shake your head. 'No, you don't have to apologize. You aren't obliged to buy me something.'

Suddenly, your rolling wheelchair stops in its tracks. You look at Zhongli and follow the way his eyes look. The Archon's full attention is directed towards a jewelry stand. He steps closer so that the items that are for sale are better visible. And...

'Good news: I have found my fancy stone. The bad news: I have the feeling that I am too poor to get it back.'

It seems like the Zhongli's item of interest is the same as yours. After asking the seller if it's ok to inspect it he takes it into his hands.

The expression on his face tells you that he is thinking hard. 'How strange...'

'Riiight, who would know what that is if not the Geo Archon himself.'

'Is there... something wrong with it?'

Your question wakes him up from his stupor. 'Ah yes, it's just that it is a rare piece. How much does it cost?'

'950,000 Mora.'

You cough in shock. 'That's almost a million. How am I supposed to get it back?!'

'Can I buy it on account?', Zhongli asks.

'I am very sorry, but due to my current financial situation that isn't possible.', the merchant answers.

Even though you and the dark-haired man beside you know that you only have 500,000 Mora with you the Archon is hesitant to put it back nevertheless.

'Looks like he doesn't want to give up on it either...'

'Mister, would you be so kind to explain us what kind of stone this is?', your smile is as polite asit can be.

The merchant shakes his head. 'No, sadly I can't. This is the first time that I have seen such a gem.'

'350,000 Mora.'

'Are you ridiculing me?!'

You straighten up your posture. 'No. You also have to consider the position of customers like us. Since nobody knows what kind of stone this is it could also be that it is completely worthless. The 350,000 are just because of our mercy concerning your financial situation. If it is so urgent that it can't wait till tomorrow every Mora counts, right?'

Now it's the merchant who is hesitant. '...450,000 Mora, but no less.'

Before you can do anything, Zhongli answers. 'We will take it to this prize. Here.' He hands him the bag of money.

'More than half the prize down. Not bad for the first time. Yass. Now I somehow have to get the stone from Zhongli...'

I finally got the results of an exam that I took god knows how many months ago and I passed! Yay

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I finally got the results of an exam that I took god knows how many months ago and I passed! Yay.

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

Schwärmerei - Yandere Genshin Impact x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now