Chapter 60

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Like really guys; you made me shed a few tears with your kind words.

"In the meantime, why don't you enjoy your newfound peace in mind?"

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"In the meantime, why don't you enjoy your newfound peace in mind?"

"Sorry (Y/N), orders are orders."

"Don't you think it would be nice if we could live together?"

"What a waste of time, it was just wishful thinking."

"Can't we just take a more...quiet route? Every time we get involved in something, you get hurt, and I don't want to see you bloodied up anymore."


"Ahhh... my head...", a low whine leaves your lips. "My poor head..." you roll off your back onto your side from pain.

Regrettably, you move not just a few centimeters, but several meters. Instead of a horizontal floor, there was a small slope next to you. Like a round stone, you roll down and land in some water.

Startled by the sudden cold, you open your eyes and scramble out of the water as quickly as possible. "What the..." Your surroundings are very gloomy. Only the shallow light from above and the multitude of luminous plants make it possible to see anything at all. You seem to be inside something like a cave. Overgrown stone walls surround you and the luminous vegetation is reflected like stars in the small lake which is in the middle of the cave.

Barely recovered from the shock, the pain and exhaustion catch up with you again. "God, do I feel terrible." You lean against the nearest wall. Hands shaking, you grab your forehead - it feels like a burning oven. "Uhh... when did I get... sick?"

Your breathing is heavy and you have a hard time thinking clearly. "I sleep...Yes... sleep sounds wonder...ful..." Your eyes close.

A cup of the finest porcelain is placed to your lips. "Come on, you need to drink something so that you will get better, just a little sip. You're only going to cause her grief in your current state."

Reluctantly, you start drinking.

A gentle smile forms on the man's lips. "That's it - keep drinking, the medicine should bring you relief soon enough."

Once you're done, he puts the cup on a small table next to your bed.

Except for your breath and heartbeat, you hear nothing. There is absolute silence in the room. Ayato's sigh, however, breaks it. "I wish we could spend more time together. Even if you're currently unable to answer me, it's still very pleasant to be with you... You know, Ayaka told me a lot about you. How kind and empathetic you were. Even the Shuumatsuban couldn't find out anything bad about you. Well, as long as you leave aside the fact that the Shogun has send her people looking for you. I wonder how many things I still don't know about you..." There's a knock at the door. "Too bad, it looks like I'll have to leave again. In the meantime, why don't you enjoy your newfound peace od mind? I guarantee you'll be safe here, I've made sure of that. Sweet dreams~" With a perfect smile, he says goodbye and leaves.

You hear a soft ringing of bells. With each passing second, the sound gets louder.

"Huh?" You reach for the annoyance. It is small and sqishy. Despite your blurred vision, you try to make out what the strange thing in your hand is. "...Rosa, is that you?"

An affirmative ring.

You lie still for a while until the fog in front of your eyes is gone. It seems that you are still in the same cave as before. "Do you happen to know where we are and why we're here. Or what did we actually do before this?"

No answer.

"Too bad." You stare at the light coming from the large hole above. "I guess we can't climb up there... Hah... It's all useless, we have to look for a way out of here, otherwise this cave will become our grave." Carefully, you try to stand on your feet. Unfortunately, your body doesn't play along and you promptly land back on the ground. "Phew, so I'm still not feeling significantly better... (Y/N), come on, you can do it, show the fever who's the stronger one." It works better on your second try. Although your legs are very wobbly, they don't give in again.

Rosa sits on your right shoulder and together you walk along the wall to avoid falling into the lake.

Out of this section of the cave, you're greeted by an even stranger one. Huge bizarre flower-like plants sprout out the damp ground and two vishaps sleep in the still water.

"...Oh... shít... Rosa, my fever brain has a very awful presumption of where we've landed. Oh dear... How the hell did we end up in Enkanomiya?" You shake your head in disappointment. Without another word, you walk on as quietly as possible to avoid the currently peaceful monsters waking up and dismembering you.

You continue your way until you reach a slope. You look down into the endless abyss and then forward. The nearest piece of land is hundreds of meters away and there are no bridges or anything similar. Dejected, you sit down on the edge of the cliff. "That's right, without a glider you won't get very far here... Rosa, we're going to die here if no one rescues us. What should we do with the rest of the time we have left? Go back to sleep? At least that would shorten the wait for us to be rescued or to die..." You've barely finished your sentence when you feel the tiredness spreading through your body again.

You lie down and close your eyes. Rosa rolls onto your chest to starts to rest there. Together you enjoy the silence. No breeze blows, the grass under you is pleasantly soft and not a soul wants to annoy or harm you.

"Actually, not a bad place to die in..."

Only a long time after you have lost consciousness is the silence is replaced by footsteps.

Only a long time after you have lost consciousness is the silence is replaced by footsteps

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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