Chapter 65

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This moment when you can't answer comments on your own book for whatever reason. Thank you Wattpad ♡

A gentle breeze tickles your nose

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A gentle breeze tickles your nose. Or maybe it are the pollen, for which you‘re starting to develop an allergy, that cause your nose to itch but in any case - the important part is that the need to sneeze wakes you up from your slumber.

"Ha-chu!“ Now awake, you rub your teary eyes and look around. This time you aren‘t underground in Enkanomiya. In fact, this doesn‘t even look like Inazuma to begin with. More like… "…Stormterror‘s Liar?“

"Yes, that‘s where the portal lead us two. How do you feel?“ It is Dainsleif who sits to your left side.

"I think I am fine?“

"That‘s good to hear. If any feeling of dizziness or similar comes up again, tell me.“

Looking at him, you can‘t detect any sign of hostility like back then when you smashed a Vishap with the sheer force of your body. Somewhere in his distant expression you can even see a hint of genuine care. "Eh, Dain… why are you… helping me…? As far as I can remember our last conversation wasn‘t particularly… nice. “

As if actually guilty he turns his head away. "I apologize for that. I jumped to the wrong conclusion and almost caused you to die.“

"…You thought that I was part of the Abyss Order, didn‘t you?“


„I know that I am rather sus but why were you so quickly dead-set on that idea?“ You suppress a 'Up until now, people only tried to kidnap, torture or drug me in the heat of the moment – possibly killing me is a new record'.

"There were a few things that seemed odd about you. Or to be fair, most of these oddities still remain odd. The only thing I was able to rule out was that you have contact with the Abyss Order. Therefore, would you mind answering a few more questions? With actual honesty.“ Dainsleif‘s gaze pierces through your soul, again.

Sweating nervously, you smile at him. "What… type of questions would that be…?“

"Some fundamental ones. Like who you are, from where you came from, why you are travelling…“

"Aren‘t those things I already told you?“

"That‘s why I am asking for honesty.“

"…“ You blink a few times. "Why does it always have to be this type of question?“ "I… didn‘t lie back then, y’know?“

Dain sighs. "Then let me put it in another way: The more you leave out when answering me, the more will I leave out once I am asked by you.“

"…Hm. And from where do you want to know how much of the truth I am telling you?“


"That man is driving a hard bargain… “ After a few seconds of thinking you have settled for a degree of truth to tell him. "Well, I am still (Y/N) who accompanies Aether on his travels because I want to see him reach a happy ending with his sister.“  You pick up Rosa who has been sitting on you lap for the whole time. "This is the Seelie Rosa whose origin I have knowledge of. And to be honest, I have no clue what I am doing here either. I just randomly woke up in Mondstadt one day. Aside from that, I know allot of things because I am psychic or whatever you call it and I am a walking disaster on two legs who has no clue on what crack their life is right now.“ You finally take a breath after not having done so for your whole explanation. "Any more questions?“

"And you come from far, far away, I suppose?“

"…Yes… that‘s correct? Have you heard that from somebody or…?“

"No.“ You might not be an actual psychic but something tells you that his inner thoughts are something along the lines of 'You don‘t want to tell me so therefore I won‘t tell you. I warned you.‘ Seeing that you are not planning on adding anything to your previous explanation, he continues. "And that stone that you wear like some sort of necklace – from where do you have that one?“

You instinctively touch the spot above your chest to check the item in question and pull it out from underneath your top. "Do you mean this one?“

"Yes, exactly. I first noticed it when I checked you for wounds back in Enkanomiya.“

"I have absolutely no fúcking clue. At some point I just had it. Really. I am not leaving out anything. It was just there one day. But since you‘re asking… Would you mind explaining me what this thing is to begin with? Up until now everyone who I asked dodged my question in a way that makes me believe that this thing is evil or something. Maybe not evil but special enough for not wanting to tell me shít.“

"Who else did you ask?“

"The Geo and the Anemo Archons? It‘s not like I wanted to ask them but the situations kinda ended that way.“

"…This type of gem is not naturally found in Teyvat. I don‘t know if you are familiar with the flora of Khaenri'ah but just as the Inteyvat, this gem too changes it‘s form when taken out of it‘s natural environment. To be precise, it turns into some sort of tar and that change is irrevocable. So the gem by itself isn‘t special but the circumstances make it one of a kind.“, explains Dain.

"…And where is it normally found?“

"The depths of the Abyss.“

"Oh. That‘s probably where your idea of being from there came from… Well, I can assure you that I never were in the Abyss. ...Great, now I have more questions than before. Haa…“

"Perhaps you don‘t need an answer to every question that arrises. Some things are better left unanswered.“

The initial confusion you felt when hearing that statement is replaced by annoyance after a few seconds of silence. "Dain, if you‘re not going to add anything to those sentences then please don‘t say them at all. I am already paranoid and confused and I really don‘t need any additional reasons to feel that way.“

"I am just saying.“

Annoyed, you shake your head.

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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