Chapter 59

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It is quiet

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It is quiet. Only your heartbeat is audible and you are happy about it. Every minute in this quiet solitude is one less with the purple gremlin - or anyone at that. For some reason you felt paranoid about anyone being near you. You can guess that that feeling comes from something Scaramouche might have said to you before, but you can't remember. Since you feel no more pain than before you can say for certain that he did spare you from any physical disciplination but you still feel terrible.

The silence got you thinking. Was the path you've chosen the right one? Will following Aether really bring you to the ending you desire? Even if it's boring, could a life among irrelevant NPCs be better suited for you? Maybe...

A small crack inside your room makes you flinch. Lifting your head, you see a small girl in the center of your room slightly startled by the fact that she was discovered. "Sorry...", she whispers with a lethargic voice, "Please stay quiet. I am here to get you out. I am from the-"

"Shumatsuban, I know. But why... would you come to fetch me from... here?", you interrupt Sayu.

"Orders from above. I will remove the chains, please stay still." Before she can get the collar off, other footsteps can be heard from outside the room. Hastily she hides in a stuffed corner.

The door opens and nobody other than the sixth Harbinger himself enters. He appears to be extraordinarily happy about something. "Still here I see. Well done, well done. Good puppy~" While speaking with his sickening sweet voice he pets your head.

You stay quiet.

"Hmm... You should have seen that blond idiot. How mad he was even before he saw me~ I am sure that if he had the chance to he would have wanted to tear off my head. So overly emotional once he loses what's precious to him. I wonder how far he would be willing to go for you..."

Still no reaction from your side.

"...Anyways, we have to go soon. I got something interesting in exchange for sparing the Traveler's life and I would like to have it for myself for now."

As it appears things went exactly the same way they would have. Aether is most likely with Yae right now and Teppei a dead man. Strange that you weren't able to make a positive change at all...

While you remain in your bed and occasionally look in the direction where Sayu is hidden, Scaramouche packs his things. Luckily he doesn't need anything in that corner. Once everything is packed he approaches you but stops in his tracks. "I can't possibly transport you like this... You are far from cured from your rebellious and disobedient side so I guess I will have to put you to sleep for the time being. I'll be right back.", he says as he leaves the room.

As soon as he left Sayu hurries out of her hiding spot. She grabs Rosa's cage and detaches your collar from the chain. During the whole process she remains almost perfectly quiet. Only the removal of the chain made a quiet clack. "Now hurry. We have no time." With a surprising amount of strength, she pushes you out of your bed and through a hole in the ground that is barely noticeable even if you know it's there. You reach safety just in time before the Harbinger notices your absence. Despite having a considerable distance between you and him you still feel the temperature drop and a tension in the air building up as if lightning will soon strike. Would he congratulate you for escaping just as promised, I wonder?

While the nameless narrator is wondering how another encounter with the purple guy would look like you yourself are more focused on the fact that you feel like a dying mole crawling thought the confining tunnels of its own home. Scaramouche didn't inflict no new wounds to you for no reason after all.

After what feels like a small eternity you finally reach the surface. Outside the hole there are three other people and since Sayu hands over Rosa's cage to one of them you assume they are part of the Shumatsuban too. Feeling extremely dizzy you lay down on the ground with your face down. The earthly odor is mixed with the one of freshly cut grass.

"M- (Y/N), would you please stand up and follow us? We will take you to the Kamisato Estate.", one of the men says.

"But... I wanna... become one... with the ground...", you mumble with your face still facing the ground.

"I don't think they are able to walk alone... or to think straight to begin with. Not the best condition they're in..." To the end of her remark Sayu yawns.

"Alright. In that case we will carry them." You feel your body being lifted from the ground and gently put one someone's shoulder.

Still having the thought process of a wet and ramdomly cut noodle you don't even notice that you have stoped moving and that someone else takes you into the fancy building. Neither do you notice that you are put on a bed nor that someone tightly hugs your arm as your main body is too fragile right now.

 Neither do you notice that you are put on a bed nor that someone tightly hugs your arm as your main body is too fragile right now

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

Schwärmerei - Yandere Genshin Impact x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now