Chapter 15

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A bit random but if (Y/N) ever happens to learn how to wield a weapon, which one would it be?

A bit random but if (Y/N) ever happens to learn how to wield a weapon, which one would it be?

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'Whoaa, here in Liyue are far more people on the streets than in Mondstadt.', Paimon says amazedly.

'Well to be fair, they didn't have a dragon-problem.'

'...but are going to get one. And not to forget the gigantic angry water monster that gets an appearance too.'

Aether puts one of his hands on your shoulder carefully. '(Y/N), are you alright? You suddenly look so tense.'

You shake your head. 'No need to worry. I was just thinking...'

'...about the various ways I could die in one simple part of the story. I mean you have at least plot armor.'

'Guys, Paimon thinks that the Rite of Descension is going to take place over there, is that right (Y/N)?'

You look where she points and indeed is there a larger group gathered around a familiar-looking white-haired woman. As an answer you simply nod and join the crowd.

The ceremony starts and ends exactly the same way you know it. Where only chill people were before are now panicking ones and a fake corpse of a god.

'Maybe we should go since we are most likely the most suspicious ones here.', you whisper.

'Could it be that you knew that this was going to happen or why do you seem so calm?', Aether asks while he takes you by your hand to sneak away from this place.


'Why didn't you tell us before?! we could have had the chance to save him!'

'Paimon, I appreciate that you only whisper-yell, but people could still hear us. And... you are going to see soon enough why I prefer things to go this way. Just move inconspicuously and don't get caught.'

'You over there, stop!' The Milleliths spotted you.

'Ok, scratch the last part and run!'

Together with Aether you run away until you lose the guards.

'Pew, that was close... Where are we now? ... No answer?'

Looking around you, in fact, can't find any of your friends. 'Great (Y/N), you managed to lose that one person you were searching for multiple chapters before. Back to square one, hooray.'

You check your bandaged hands. 'My hands are bleeding again, double hooray.'


'Is your day not going so well?

Whoever you expected to see when you turn around, it is more likely not that person. From the top of the stairs you are standing next to a pair of indigo eyes look down on you.

'What the fúck is Scaramouche doing here. I have the feeling that things are going to go even further south today.'

'Y-yes, but I guess everyone has bad days like this. I am simply going to search for my friend and then I will see what comes next.'

'Do you want me to help you finding this person?', he says with a sweet smile on his lips. If you were a normal person you would have fallen for the facade without a second thought, but with the extra-knowledge you have you can tell that the politeness is a mere lie.

'Yep, I am fúcked, triple hooray.'

'No need for that, really. I think I can find him on my own. A friend's instinct, y'know?', you try to convince him while taking small steps back.

For every step you take backwards Scaramouche takes one forward. 'A friend's instinct? Intersting. Is there a reason why you look like you want to run away?'

'Ehh, well...'

'Is it because you have the ability to know things that you shouldn't?'

You freeze. 'The Fatui know things they shouldn't for sure. No wait, what if he is bluffing?'

'Nah, I am nothing special at all. I am always cautious of strangers, that's all. I mean, if I had such an ability and if you are a bad guy, why should I be here in the first place?'

The sweet smile remains on the Harbinger's lips. 'Maybe because you only have partial visions of the future. You knew that the Archon was going to die, but you didn't know what was going to happen after that.'

'And why should I know you then?'

'Another vision, unrelated to the previously said one?'

'Technically, not that far from the truth.'

You sigh. 'Are you going to remain stubborn with your version?

'Based on the information gathered by my underlings I am certain that you know who the stubborn one here is. And now do yourself a favor and stop playing dumb.', while his expression still doesn't change, his tone gets more and more honest.

Feeling something shake on your head, you grab the source and see your pink Seelie which you put back on top of you. 'At least I am not alone...'

'Alright, alright. Nice to know that Fatuis also function as stalkers. Then lets just get to the point: What do you want?'

'Hm, let me put it simple for a lowlife like you: Allowing somebody who knows as much as you do to roam around freely would be a dumb decision, wouldn't it?'

'Hm, let me put it simple for a lowlife like you: Allowing somebody who knows as much as you do to roam around freely would be a dumb decision, wouldn't it?'

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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