Chapter 53

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I am back~

With a groan you slowly wake up

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With a groan you slowly wake up. Your neck is rather stiff and your bed is too warm. Blinking, you try to figure out where you are and why this place is rocking back and forth.

"I was at the teahouse... spent some time with Ayaka... then I went to the beach with Aether because we didn't have anything better to do... then... right, Kazuha. I'm stuck on a fúcking ship."

You make sure that nobody is around and carefully stand up. Making sure not to make a sound you sneak out of your room. Barely a minute later you find the exit to the deck. The moon shines brightly into your face.

"Slept well, (Y/N)?" To your left is Beidou sitting on a barrel with a drink in her hand.

"If I ignore the pain in my neck, yes."

"That was to be expected when you fall asleep on someone else's shoulder. It will go away after some time."

"Did Kazuha carry me to bed after that?"

"As long as you don't sleepwalk that would be the most likely answer. He's a gentle soul after all.", Beidou takes another sip of her drink.

"About Kazuha-"

"Care to join for a drink?"

"Huh..? Umm... I am not really a drinker sooo..."

"That's fine, we have juice too."

You want to accept the offer but the image of Childe just chilling next to you while you lose consciousness flashes before your eyes. "Well, I still don't trust other people with my drinks. Never ever again will I do that..." "...At least not under such circumstances."

"That... almost sounds worse than what Kazuha speculated..." Beidou smiles as brightly as she can. "I can open a new bottle for you and drink some of it first if that helps. This ship is a safe and honest place."

You nod slowly. "That's what they all say."

Since it is unlikely that Beidou is immune to drugs and similar things you decide to trust her for now - and you have to say that sunsettia juice really is energizing. Every trace of tiredness is washed away and you feel like everything is managable now.

"One mug is enough for you, I think, or else I fear that you end up in a diabetic coma. I usually use that stuff for cocktails."

"I feel what you mean. ...Anyways, can we come back to Kazuha?"

Beidou sighs. "Not like I can blame you. Ask what you want."

"What is going on with him? Is there something I am missing?"

"Even if I usually keep the Alcor at safe distance from the mainland of Inazuma, that doesn't mean we don't get any fresh news from there. This time we happened to hear about a certain someone getting their Vision taken soon. Kazuha fears that you will get yourself in serious trouble if you catch wind of that and are with Aether. So, he apparently decided to put you in a place where you have no chance of unneccesarily making yourself a wanted criminal."

"I- ... That is surprisingly accurate to be honest. But everything would have turned out perfectly fine. I am certain of it."

"Confidence can bring death to the hero, y'know? Please just lay low for now. We will bring you back to your friend in due time."

"Not like I have much more of a choice." Displeasure is audible while you speak.

"Aw, come on. How 'bout we do something else to take your mind off things? Didn't you say that you would like to train with me once we meet again? Now would be a good time for that."

"That Vision gave me physical pain back then and I am not really into pain. Even if I am capable of awakening that gift of the gods that thing doesn't like me for sure."

"Maybe it's like an animal and sensed your fear. Some dogs only bite when they think you're weak. Give it a proper try at least once. If something happens we can always stop."

"I don't have my weapon with me..."

"No problem. You use polearms, right? I can lend you one."

"And that's it with my excuses..."

Overall, the training isn't as bad as you expected, mostly because the majority of the time was spent with watching and listening to Beidou. It is a lot more interesting to watch her electro powers light up the dark than to see that you're unable to produce even a single spark. The Vision doesn't answer to your call anymore.

Nevertheless, at the end you are rewarded with another glass of diabetes.

Beidou on the other hand poured herself a glass of beer. "Don't worry about it. Kinda sad that I wasn't able to help you and become something like a teacher for you but hey, at the very least we got to spend some fun time together and did a proper exercise for our muscles."

In response you hum approvingly. "You would have been a great teacher. Your instructions are not too long and easy to understand. And you look so beautiful when you use your powers... I wish I had a camera with me to capture that moment..."


"Cool would work too if you think it suits you better. And this isn't meant to sound weird or anything. Just a genuine compliment."

"Ah no, that's not it. I just didn't expect it... Thank you.", even though her head is turned away you think that she is smiling.

"Aww, don't be so flustered. Everyone deserves love and compliments. Ehh... Is there something glowing on the water?", you point towards a certain spot on the water that shines in a warm light.

"...Yeah, I think you're right. I don't know why something so pink would be in the water and glow..."

"Pink... Oh no, we need to fish that idiot out of the water."

With the help of a fisher net you fish the Seelie out of the sea.

"Rosa, what the fúck are you doing?! You're ma little baby and you can't swim! And what is that thing that is tied to you? ...A letter?"

Maaan, some people are so rude (real life and online games)

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Maaan, some people are so rude (real life and online games). Why can't people just be decent?

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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