Chapter 80

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The only thing that is somewhat decent about my gacha luck are early 5-stars. Thank you Wriothesely for blessing me with your presence. Amen.

A comforting warmth spreads through your body

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A comforting warmth spreads through your body.

You hear water splashing. It doesn’t sound as violent as a waterfall or a river. Maybe it is a small stream? No, that can’t be it. You were sleeping high up in the trees. There is no water flowing that close to you. Immediately you open up your eyes to check what is going on. There is no bed, no Aether, no hut – instead, you are lying on fresh grass beneath the wide sky.

Nevertheless, you aren’t alone. On a tree stump nearby there is this white-haired girl again. Her name was Nahida, wasn’t it? With a friendly smile she waves to you. “Hello (Y/N).”

You hesitantly wave back at her. “Hii… Long time no see… Are you something like Sumeru’s sandman or why do I always see you when I fall asleep?”

“Sumeru’s sandman?”

“Somebody who helps people fall asleep according to children stories from far away... What I'm trying to say is - do you watch over everyone’s dreams in this nation?”

I do find dreams a fascinating thing to observe, but I am not a guardian of them. I also don’t visit every dream.” Nahida lets a bird land on her hand and pets its little head.

“What gives me the honor of meeting you even twice then?”

“I am not certain about that myself. How should I describe it? It‘s like when you have a déjà-vu. You feel a strange familiarity from a situation without having ever been in it. This sort of feeling is what I get when I visit your dreams.”

“I can’t say I feel the same… Maybe I am just an generic NPC you see around every second corner and that’s why I seem so familiar.” Thinking for a moment, you remember that this is your dream. You take a look at the bird that sits in Nahida’s hand and imagine a more colorful version of it flying onto yours. Shortly after, a rainbow-colored ball of feathers actually appears in your hand. “Nice! Hey Nahida, how about we play a game?”

She seems confused by your suggestion. “A game?”

“Yeah, anything you would like. This is a dream, so our possibilities are limitless.” You pause for a moment. “…If you don’t like games we can of course do something else! I just assumed that since you look so young you would like games… Sorry if that was rude!”

Nahida shakes her head. “No no, you weren’t rude. I- Could we play hopscotch?”

“Of course!” With the power of your imagination you make the greatest hopscotch-field appear right next to you. “Let the duel begin!”

Together, you two play plenty of games and have lots of fun. At first Nahida was a bit uncertain of how she should behave, but after some time she really blossomed out of that shell. You in return also warmed up to her some more. The happy smile of an innocent child truly is contagious.

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