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The island moon shined brightly even for summer as the guests, both human and Pokemon, stood at attention when the wedding march began. I was wearing a gown similar to what my ancestor wore with several flowers braided into my long hair. Jack was standing beneath the arch with both Ben and Jake standing beside him. My sister-in-law, Melody, and her sister, plus Red and Diane were standing across from them; Melody is my matron of honor while the others were all bridesmaids. My three-year-old niece and nephew, Shane and Zora, were the flower girl and ring bearer. Mom, Dad, Gran-Gran, and my grandparents were all teary-eyed as I walked down the aisle to Jack.

It was a small ceremony with just friends and family, plus the friends, both human and Pokemon, I met on my journey as well as the ones after.

The ceremony passed by in a blur but I definitely remember saying my vows before kissing Jack.

The cheers from everyone were deafening. It almost drowned out the cheers from the ocean Pokemon as they leapt out of the sea.

(FYI: My wedding was at the beach.)

When the time came for me to toss the bouquet, many of the Pokemon tried to keep it out of the guests' hands but they stopped at Gran-Gran's glare. The bouquet landed in Mismagius's hands.

She looked at Malamar's human partner and blushed before using her Ghost powers to disappear; taking the bouquet with her.

I walked over to Offer Jenny's youngest sister, who by now is a full-fledged International Police Officer. "Where's your partner, Jenny?"

"In here," she replied as she got out her Pokeball. "Every time I tell him to come out, this happens." She demonstrated by tossing the ball into the air. It opened briefly before closing itself.

"Still can't face me yet, can you Malamar?" I said to the ball.

It shook in refusal.

"You do know that I forgave you and Mismagius for your actions several years ago, right?"

It nodded.

"But you still won't come out?"

Another nod.

"Is it because you finally learned of your true feelings for Mismagius and she you?"

The ball blushed and fidgeted.

"You do know you'll have to face each other eventually."

At that, it turned away and rolled out of Jenny's hand before stopping under the banquet table.

I shook my head at Malamar's behavior. "I hope they don't wait too long," I told Jenny. "You and he will be leaving on a mission soon, right?"

She nodded. "Next week is our flight to the Galar region."

It was then that the band started to play the Bride and Groom's wedding song. Melody sang while Red, Cyril, and Diane played. After the wedding song came the father/daughter dance.

As happy as I was, I still wished Darkrai and Cresselia, plus all our friends from Darkrai's world, could have been here.

"I miss them too," Jack told me.

"Do you think we'll ever see them again?" I asked as we twirled around on the dance floor.

"Maybe. We can always ask Jirachi for a wish."

While Jirachi can't really grant wishes, he can tell us if or when we'll see Darkrai and everyone again.

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