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Officer Jenny's cousin doesn't have a motorbike with a sidecar, she has an actual car.

"I left my motorbike back on Unova Island," she told me when I asked, via pen and paper. On our trip to the station, she asked me a question, and I answered with my voice. She winced when she heard what it sounds like and gave me her notebook and a pen.

We had to take the side streets and grid roads because all or most of the main ones were destroyed or being repaired. From her car, Zora and I saw all the damage the city had suffered under the attacks from Darkrai and Zoroark.

"You can see the damage clear as day," Jenny's cousin said. "This is why my cousin and sister want to know where Darkrai is."

And I've told you! I don't know where he is! (That's technically true. I don't know where Queen Vespiquen's hive is located. Only that it's in a cave by the sea.)

"I know, I know. I just thought you should see this for yourself. And I was hoping it would give you a better understanding of the whole island's feelings towards Darkrai."

I looked further out the window, trying to see more than just damaged or ruined streets. Were any buildings damaged or destroyed?

"Other than some broken windows, no."

So everyone's angry because they can't travel on the main roads anymore? I replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Those roads won't be fixed until after the rains have passed. And even then, it's going to take time."

Oh, boo-hoo. Looks like they'll have to walk or ride their bikes for a while! I rolled my eyes after I penned that.

"It might not seem like a big deal to you, young lady!" she scolded me. "But for some, the main roads are their only commutes from home to work! Try to be a little more sensitive to their plight."

With the rains coming, they won't be able to travel to work anyway until they pass.

After that, we spent the rest of the trip in silence. When we made it to the station, the sun had fully set and all the street lights were on. (Those that were still standing anyway.)

At the main desk was Zack, and he looked none the worse for wear. (I heard what had happened to him from the paramedic that examined my throat.)

He winced when he saw my neck. "That's one nasty bruise you've got there, Crysta," he said as he came around the desk. "I heard your voice is messed up, too. How does it sound?"

"It sounds like this," I answered.

He shuddered when he heard it. "Oh, man! And I thought what happened to me was bad. That Darkrai is history once we find it!"

Over my dead body!

"It was that Trio group who did this to me," I said as I pointed to my neck. "Why blame Darkrai when the ones truly responsible are right here in the station?"

He sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Is that why you're here, to blame them in person?"

I nodded. "You could say that."

"This way then," Zack said as he led Zora and me through the hallways while the Jenny who drove us here was talking to her pony-tailed cousin, the Head Officer Jenny.

We came to the cells where the Trio were being kept, each one in their own cell block.

"What do you want, officer?" a woman in pink demanded.

"You three have a visitor," Zack told them. "Behave."

I walked right up to their cells while Zack hung back.

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