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Part 1: Zorua

I was spinning around and around so much I couldn't tell which end was up; it made all of those times when I tried to catch my tail seem like nothing.

"Why did Yoshi haveta toss me in here?" I yelled as I spun faster and faster. By the time I was ready to throw up, the tunnel spat me out. Then I did throw up.

When I stopped, I had to wait a long time for my stomach to settle and dizzy spell to wear off. I got up on shaky legs and looked at my surroundings. What I saw made my mouth hang open like a Swalot and I swore I felt my eyes pop right out of my head.

All around me were these giant stone houses smaller than Dark Castle and these weird creatures with Pokemon.

All around me were these giant stone houses smaller than Dark Castle and these weird creatures with Pokemon

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Normally, I'm up for an adventure, but this was too scary even for me. Suddenly a door opened up behind me and one of those strange creatures came out.

I jumped out of my skin and hid behind some kind of hollow metal shell that stank. The creature must have seen me for it made a beeline for my hiding place. When it got close enough I could see that it had a big and fat Trubbish hanging from its hand.

That creature must be very powerful and scary if that Trubbish was letting it treat him or her like that.

Now I was very scared. The minute that creature lifted the lid of the smelly metal shell, I bolted. I knocked over other metal shells in my mad dash to get away from it.

"Darn Pokemon!" I heard the scary creature yell. "I told you to leave my garbage cans alone!"

When I turned my head to see if it was chasing me I saw several Trubbish on the ground, some a different color than the one in the scary creature's hand, having fallen out of the metal shells.

The scary creature was shaking its fist, the one without the Trubbish, at me and I ran faster. I ducked down an alley to avoid its grip, should it reach out to grab me, and I nearly knocked over more of those smelly metal shells.

I jumped onto them and continued to run until I was out of the alley then I ran out onto this rock-hard path.

I jumped onto them and continued to run until I was out of the alley then I ran out onto this rock-hard path

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