Cut Story Line 6

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*This is the original opening scene of part 8 chapter 6. P.S. This is super short.*

I don't know how long I sat there, but I do know that I did not stop crying. Even after the Dusk and Midday Lycanroc gathered their leader and took him away. I didn't notice that they had a Rockruff with them until he tapped my leg.

"E-excuse me, M-miss," he stuttered.

He sounded like a toddler and when I turned my head to look at him I saw that he couldn't have been more than three or four years old.

Bringing a baby to a battle! What were those Lycanroc thinking?!

Those thoughts momentarily distracted me and I did not hear what the Rockruff cub had to say. He must have thought that I couldn't hear him over the thunder and lightning so he spoke again, louder.

"I-is K-king Darkrai g-going t-to be O-OK?"

I responded by holding Darkrai tighter in my arms as I continued to cry.

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