Cut Story Line 3

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*This is the original conversation between Jenna and Cresselia in Part 3: Chapter 7.*

"Darkrai is in trouble," she said. "I need your help to save him!"

"Is he ok? What do you need me to do? And how do you know he's in trouble?"

"Kontororu isn't the only one who's after him. A small group of people, who call themselves 'The Hell Trio' are after him too. So far he's managed to avoid them, but they've got this machine that subjugates pokemon. All they have to do is attach a microchip onto his body, turn on said machine, and he falls under their control. I need you to be my eyes and ears, tell me if you see or hear anything regarding The Hell Trio. And further more, remember when you and Zorua where in the abandoned laboratory and the black sphere was pulsing in sync with your mark?"

I nodded, "Yeah. That was weird, even for me."

"That was Darkrai and I having a conversation. That is how I learned what was happening to him."

Before I could ask if she knew what was happening and what had happened to me, she continued.

"You needn't ask," she said. "I am fully aware of what has been happening recently. Think of me as your guardian angel, one who sees and hears everything you do and more."

Again, before I could ask why she needed me to be her eyes and ears, she continued.

"I will be conserving my energy for the battles to come. In other words; I will be sleeping. Make sure you always expose your mark to the moonlight, that's how I gather energy."

Now I could ask some questions.

"Why is The Hell Trio after Darkrai? Don't tell me Kontororu has some competition and they want to go to another world too?"

"They do not and he has not. They are after Darkrai because of me."


She nodded, "They plan to capture Darkrai in the hopes that it will lure me out of hiding."

"So, they're after you and Darkrai is only the bait?"

"Exactly. Thirteen years ago; I was out flying around Sinnoh, looking for nightmares to banish. When all of a sudden I was caught in a trap set by The Hell Trio. I don't know what they wanted to do with me, but I wasn't going to find out." She was silent for a moment. "I fought with all my strength, sadly they were too strong for me. If Darkrai hadn't shown up to help me escape," she shuddered. "I don't even want to think of what might've happened."

"Is that how you first met?"

"Oh goodness, no! We've met years before that," then her smile was replaced with a somber look. "That was, however, the last time we saw each other."

"What do you mean?"

"That night, I was to injured to fly back home so I stopped at the very place where he and I first met."

Suddenly an image of Cresselia's Garden appeared. She was laying herself down in the flower bed, her ring-like wings catching the moon's rays. Then the bushes began to rustle. She lifted her head and was about to make a run for it when an Ariados and Spinarak appeared. On Ariados's back was a two year old baby.

Upon recognizing the baby I gave Cresselia a sharp look.

"You were too young to remember this, but you and your family were on a camping trip. Some how you wandered away from them and got attacked by Spinarak."

I was attacked by a Spinarak! Well that explains why they're the only pokemon I'm afraid of, I thought.

"His mother brought you here hoping the flowers would heal you of your poisoning."

Just then Darkrai appeared and erected a protective barrier in front of Cresselia. There was no sound in this . . memory, I guess. But judging by the frantic looks on everyone's faces there was an argument between Ariados and Darkrai. Then Cresselia said something to Darkrai and he let down the barrier. After which Ariados brought two year old me over to her. Whatever Cresselia said, it made Ariados and Spinarak cry. Then she had a few more words with Darkrai; again whatever she said seem to cause him distress.

"I can't hear anything; what's happening?"

She sighed, "You were very nearly dead. They brought you here too late; the flowers wouldn't be able to help."

That's the second time this night someone told me I almost died in the past.

"Darkrai was upset because what I was about to do would keep us apart for many years."

Right then the image showed Darkrai blending into the shadows and my grandfather, of all people, stumbling out of the treeline with Grandma and Houndoom right behind him. They were very shocked to see a Legendary pokemon. When Cresselia moved towards them and spoke to them they were even more shocked. I saw my grandfather glare at Spinarak and said Spinarak tried to hide behind Ariados while my grandma started to cry too. Then Cresselia floated back to the flowers and, using Psychic, lifted me off of Ariados's back. She then gathered all but one of the flowers, squeezed the nectar out of them, and wrapped both she and me within the liquid. After which there was a blinding flash of light and when that cleared, I was floating down, Cresselia nowhere in sight. Then my grandparents ran over to me, when they saw me take several deep breaths they let out the ones they'd been holding. Spinarak and Ariados went back into the woods, Grandfather picked up a Lunar Wing, and Grandma looked over to her right. She saw Darkrai watching them before he blended back into the shadows once again.

"What did you do?" I demanded when the scene vanished.

"The only way to save you back then. Was for you and I to become one."

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