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*The events that led up to the battle between Jenna and company and Malamar's puppets.*

Jake, Ben, Zoroark, Toxicroak, and the Pichu boys

Zoroark and Ben carefully laid Jake down on the straw bed. Toxicroak and the Pichu boys, plus several onlookers, were watching from the doorway and windows.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" Jake hissed through clenched teeth as his horn made contact. Out of all his injuries, the ones on his horn were the worst.

"How soon will the Comfey be here?" one of the three Ludicolo who brought the group to his village asked the three Spritzee.

Spritzee and her brother and sister shrugged. "Who's to say," the brother, and the oldest of them, said looking concerned.

"Most of them had to travel to other towns and villages to help the healers with their patients. Many of whom are refugees from the Dark Kingdom," the younger sister added.

"But aren't your kind healers too?" Caleb asked from his place beside Jaxon; both boys were standing on a large rock across from Toxicroak.

"Sort of," the youngest Spritzee answered, her high-pitched voice revealing her worry. "But our skills will only make him feel sleepy, not better."

"We're skilled enough to ease his pain until the Comfey get back." the brother Spritzee told his sister.

"I know that." she defended. "But for how long? Sooner or later he's going to need real healing and that's not something even the three of us combined can do!"

"Are you able to recreate whatever medicines were in this?" Toxicroak asked as he held up the empty medicine vial. "It's what we used on him before we got here."

The Spritzee gathered around the vial, snift it, then huddled. After a minute the middle sister said; "We can try but some of the ingredients don't grow around here."

"What do you need and where can I find them?" Zoroark demanded as he stepped out of the hut, Ben following close behind.

"Ghost Woods mostly," the youngest Spritzee answered before being shushed by her siblings.

"Give me a list." When the Spritzee stared at him, their expressions full of worry, he added; "I was trained by Stoutland since I was a Zorua, and then later by Hariyama after I evolved. Plus I live in Dark Castle. I'm more than familiar with the kinds of tricks Ghost Pokemon play."

"Are you and your friends refugees from the Dark Kingdom too?" the younger Spritzee asked.

"You could say that," Ben answered a little hesitantly when Zoroark didn't answer.

The Spritzee looked at each other and then nodded their consent. "Give us a few minutes and we'll have a list of the things we need to help your friend." The male Spritzee said before they all flew off somewhere.

Sakei and Hannah

The plants and herbs Zoroark found helped Jake a lot but he still needed a healer's caregiving. Luckily, someone from Mystic Village was able to get in contact with two Comfey in the other villages and, with a Psychic Pokemon's help, brought them back.

Ben was inside the hut with Jake while Zoroark was outside helping Toxicroak practice with the Pichu boys; their Volt Tackle and Thunderbolt attacks were getting stronger. Zoroark nearly got the fright of his life when he heard King Darkrai's voice coming from the shadows of a nearby tree.

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