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Crystal and Diane stood before the members of Berry Town's guild, ironically they were mostly Fire and Flying-types with only two or three Water and Grass-types; their Guild Master was Snorlax.

Heracross and Pinsir were standing on either side of the two girls as they told the guild what they'd told everyone in the berry groves early this morning.

"So you're saying that King Darkrai has been in the human world since these incidents in the Dark Kingdom began?" Exclaimed an open-mouthed male Unfezant.

"Yes," Crystal said with thinning patience; both she and Diane have been repeating themselves for the last two hours.

"The human world?! For all these weeks?!" repeated a female Heatmor; also in open-mouthed shock.

"Yes," Diane practically growled as a vein pulsed on her head.

"Jeez, and I thought my sister's Chatot was annoying!" Crystal whispered to Diane as a vein pulsed on her head too.

"King Darkrai?! In the-" a Barbaracle started to say before Diane interrupted him.

"Look! We've told you guys the exact same thing for hours! Just how many times do we have to repeat ourselves!?" she shouted with raised fists as her pulsing vein grew bigger.

"What she said!" Crystal also shouted to the stunned Pokemon. "So you either believe us and stop asking us to repeat ourselves. Or don't believe us and continue to run this pointless conversation in a never-ending circle!"

She took a breath before adding; "If you choose the latter, I promise you I am going to lose my temper; which I'm trying very hard to control right now!" she enunciated through clenched teeth as her eyes glowed and purple sparks discharged themselves from her shaking fists at her sides as her vein also grew while she stared the guild members down.

Diane just folded her arms and jerked her head in a single nod, also staring them down with a look of extreme annoyance she didn't hide.

The whole guild just stood there, open-mouthed, with varying expressions of shock and fear. The room remained in silence for several minutes before a Pelipper appeared in the glassless window carrying a bag full of scrolls in his beak.

"Delivery from . . ." he paused as he picked up on the tension in the room, sweat-dropped, and said quickly; "I'll come back later."

Before he could turn around a young Grookey quickly called out: "Wait!" When Pelipper turned, he added; "What do you have for us, Pelipper?"

"Just some news from your guild members: Braviary and the Carnivine twins, and several others who went to the Dark Kingdom to scope out the situation," Pelipper said as he handed the rolled-up message to Grookey.

When the message was in Grookey's hands, Pelipper turned around and quickly flew away.

The tension from Crystal and Diane's outburst was soon replaced by suspense as Grookey read the letter. "Braviary says that the rumors we've heard have been underexaggerated. And now King Darkrai has just sent out his troupes to find and capture humans that have come into our world. Also, for reasons unknown, he has ordered that Reikon Crystals be brought to Dark Castle."

"Reikon Crystals in Dark Castle?" Barbaracle exclaimed incredulously. "Is he crazy?!"

"If I weren't wondering what Reikon Crystals are," Diane began with a growl in her tone. "I'd be reminding you all that King Darkrai isn't in Dark Castle and hasn't been for weeks!"

"Right, right, sorry," Barbaracle said as he hastily shook his head before explaining; "Reikon Crystals are very powerful gems that can weaken or sicken all Dark-type Pokemon. As well as drain them of their powers to the point of putting them into a never-ending coma."

"King Darkrai, no matter what the state of his mind, would never mine those rocks, let alone bring them to Dark Castle," Unfezant began before he added after a pause in thought; "Unless he has a death wish."

"So you believe us now?" Crystal began. "We don't have to repeat ourselves anymore?"

"Yes," Heatmor replied with a nod. "We believe you two."

Both Crystal and Diane sighed in relief while exclaiming: "Finally!"

"I'll send word to Guild Master Snorlax right away!" Grookey shouted as he ran down the hallway to the left.

"Now that's taken care of," an elderly Leavanny with crooked spectacles began. "What are you two going to do?"

"What do you mean, sir?" Diane asked.

"You told us, when you delivered your message, that you're both human," Leavanny replied as he stood in front of them while adjusting his spectacles. "And we all just heard that some phony impersonating the Dark King is after humans."

Both Crystal and Diane's eyes widened as they realized how serious their situation was.

"You two could go to Mystic Village," a five-year-old female Bulbasaur said. When the others turned their attention to her, she added; "My grandma used to tell me stories of the Pokemon in Mystic Village helping humans and other Pokemon from the human world get back to their world. Maybe they can do the same for you."

Before the two girls could say anything, everyone in the guild agreed with Bulbasaur's suggestion. It was then that a Gogoat stepped forward.

"I have to take a carload of berries to Deep Coral Lake for their annual festival," he began as he stood before the girls. "I can take you that far, but you'll have to make it to Mystic Village on your own."

After that, the two girls helped the Pokemon from the berry groves load up Gogoat's cart before they set off down the main road.

For the first few days, the trip was peaceful; even if they had to take alternate routes inside of what Gogoat told them was a Mystery Dungeon. It wasn't until they were almost to Deep Coral Lake that they ran into real trouble.

Persian and his gang ambushed them the moment they exited the Mystery Dungeon and attempted to steal their cart; Gogoat battled Persian while the two girls fought off the Meowth and Purloin.

Gogoat did fairly well against Persian, but he mistimed his Take Down attack and hurt his leg. When he went down and couldn't get back up, Persian took advantage and headed for the cart.

When the girls saw Persian run towards them, Diane unleashed a Swift attack that distracted Persian long enough for Crystal to utilize her psychic powers and send both Persian and his gang flying far away and out of sight.

When the girls saw Persian run towards them, Diane unleashed a Swift attack that distracted Persian long enough for Crystal to utilize her psychic powers and send both Persian and his gang flying far away and out of sight

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With them gone, the two girls ran over to Gogoat. His leg was hurt pretty badly and there was nothing they could do for him other than carry him in the berry cart and pull it themselves to Deep Coral Lake. The only times they stopped were to rest and catch their breath, as well as eat and drink from whatever water springs or wild berries and fruit trees they could find.

It was during one such rest stop that Gogoat suggested they test out what they can do so that if they were attacked again they'd be better prepared.

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