Cut Story Line 5

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*This story line comes from Part 7 Chapter 2. I changed this part of the story as it took away the focus point from Malamar's feelings to impending danger.*

Malamar turned around and saw Mismagius holding the Communication Orb. Kontororu and the Trio were there. The question had come from Keino. She and the other two were looking at him with identical expressions of: "Ugh I wish I hadn't hear that!" on their faces. Kontororu was merely amused.

"Have you any news; regarding what I asked of you?" Malamar said to them.

"Well, yes and no," Kontororu replied. "We heard from some of your puppets, Liepard and Nuzleaf, that your 'Queen' is traveling to Mystic Village, along with Zorua and some human girls."

Malamar was stunned into silence. She was going to Mystic Village all along!

"And we were thinking that if the future Queen of Darkness is friends with Zorua," Dezel commented in a teasing tone. "Then odds are she's heard nothing but bad things about you; and anything but bad things about Darkrai," he finished in a more serious tone.

"Especially if Jenna, herself, is there with them," Kontororu added.

"Not me," Keino said. "I was wondering how you intended to ask that Gardevoir to be your Queen in the first place."

"You and everybody else!" A Roserade shouted from two rows down.

"Just water the plants, Roserade!" Mismagius shouted back.

There was a moment of silence before Ice asked; "Well Malamar; how do you intend to ask your Shiny Gardevoir to be your Queen?"

". . . Uhhh . . ." Malamar said while he sweat dropped.

"Perhaps it was a good thing she wasn't in Kusa Village after all," Mismagius mused aloud.

Malamar blushed.

"Well, like I said before," Dezel added. "She's probably heard nothing but bad things about you anyway. So good luck making a good first impression."

Malamar was crestfallen when he heard that remark.

"Perhaps the Beheeyem could make her forget she ever heard anything about you or Darkrai," Mismagius offered.

Malamar didn't hear her, he was focusing on some multicolored roses beside the arches; lost in thought.

"My Lord? . . . My Lord!"

"Huh?" Malamar said as focused on her.

"I said. 'Perhaps the Beheeyem could-"

"No!" He shouted as he shook his head vigorously. "Forgive my outburst, Mismagius," he said in a apologetic tone. "But I don't want Hypnosis to be used on her. Not for any reason."

Mismagius was stunned by that revelation; as were many of the other pokemon in the garden. They all stood there with their mouths hanging open. Some while either watering the flowers or were about to refill their watering cans.

"That may have to happen anyway," Kontororu said. "If you want her taken to the castle without incident."

"You mean; put her to sleep?" Mismagius asked.


Mismagius looked at Malamar; "Would that be acceptable, My Lord?"

Malamar was back to focusing on the roses. "Have you finished with your project, Mismagius?" He asked as he avoided the question entirely.

Mismagius sighed. She was hoping that Malamar was merely infatuated, but it seems he honest and truly is in love.

"Yes, My Lord," she answered. "I await your orders on whom to test it out on first."

"Excellent!" Then he turned and addressed Kontororu and the Trio. "Is there are reason you called?"

"Yes, Malamar," Kontororu said; then paused. "There are no words to describe it, so we might as well just show you."

"Show me what?"

The scene in the orb changed from four pokemon gazing into it; to an entire forest turned to stone! The trees, plants, even some of the pokemon were stone! The water wasn't clear but an awful dark color resembling poison.

"Where are you!?" Malamar demanded as he grabbed the orb from Mismagius.

"We don't know," Keino replied. "That's the main reason we're calling you."

"And need I remind you that you had your witch teleport us straight to the outer forest where those ruins are located," Ice added. "We've mostly been trying to find the spot where we first appeared."

"Do you know where the stone forest begins?!" Malamar asked anxiously.

Picking up on his anxiety, the Trio pointed the orb to a huge hole in the ground.

"The stones seem to begin from this crater before moving outwards through the forest," Kontororu explained.

"The whole forest?!"

"From the vantage point I was in when I levitated up and over the stone trees; yes. Just before it stops at the mountains then continues further across the kingdom. Only they're mostly just patches here and there."

"Do you know where it leads?" Malamar wasn't the only one worried by that news; Mismagius and the garden pokemon were in varying stages of fright and true fear.

"So far up The Shadow Mountains. The rocks and boulders are a different color than the surrounding rocks and boulders." Kontororu replied before one of the Trio turned the orb back to face him. "And before you ask; I don't know if it continues or ends right there."

"Can I ask why these stone trees and such is cause for alarm?" Dezel asked.

"Those 'stone trees and such' signify that Yveltal has awoken," Mismagius answered.

The garden pokemon all dropped their tools and coward around each other when they heard that.

"Yveltal? As in the destruction pokemon?" Kontororu asked calmly.

"Yes! Now if you don't mind; I'd like to use the orb to find out where he is!"

Before Malamar could do anything Keino demanded; "Hold on! Wait a minute! How do we get out of this forest?"

"Just follow the mountains until you come to the mines. From there you'll find your way back to the castle!" With that; he cut them off and proceeded to search for Yveltal.

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