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Sakei and Hannah were still walking by Stonecreek Falls, trying to find a way across, when they ran into some minor trouble. It was the same Purrloin and Meowth that tried to rob Toxicroak and the boys the day before.

Same old, same old: hand over your loot; blah, blah, blah. We don't have any; blah, blah, blah. When the Meowth and Purrloin tried to frisk them, Hannah used her psychic powers to drop all of them in the water; including Persian.

"Let that be a lesson to you!" Sakei shouted when they came sputtering up. "Don't mess with humans! Especially when they're your elders!"

Persian and his gang had already swum to the other side of the wide creek when Sakei shouted at them. You can bet that he will be telling the next Pokemon he sees that a Florges and a Dedenne, who claim to be human, are at Stonecreek Falls.

He's well aware of what's been happening in the Dark Kingdom; that a usurper is looking for humans. Since the former King of Dark Castle was a hindrance to his gang's robbery jobs, he didn't lift a paw to stop the usurper from conquering the castle. But he did give the runaway Purrloin a home with his gang.

He doesn't know why the new king wants humans and frankly, he couldn't care less; he just wants to rob travelers and do thievery jobs in peace. While most Pokemon dream of being great heroes or explorers, Persian dreams of being the greatest thief of all time.

Now he is not so heartless as to demand the Purrloin tell every Pokemon they meet about the human Florges and Dedenne; especially if those Pokemon are under the usurper's control. But if any of those Pokemon show up, he'll tell them about those humans himself.

Back to Hannah and Sakei, they were still looking for a way to cross the creek; or at least find a shallow end they could walk across. They moved so slowly that it was night when they decided to rest and try again tomorrow.

The next morning, Hannah worked on strengthening her psychic powers so she can lift Sakei and herself across. She practiced all day. Luckily Sakei had found several Elixirs on their journey so Hannah could keep practicing.

Sakei was foraging for food when he heard someone coming. He quickly climbed up a tree and hid in the dense branches. He could see and hear what was going on, but whoever came into view would neither see nor hear him.

Just then a bunch of Ludicolo appeared beneath his hiding place. They were making such a racket that Sakei had to cover his ears as much as he could. He didn't know how long they kept it up but at some point, he couldn't take it anymore and shocked the lot of them before he ran down the tree and away from the stunned Ludicolo.

But not before shouting that a Zubat's Screech attack sounds better than they do.

He finally found some berries that he could carry by a gently moving stream; they were Bulk and small Oran berries. It took a while, but he made it back to Hannah right as she was taking a breather from her psychic practice.

"Thank you, Sakei," she said as she ate the Oran berries.

Sakei ate only one Bulk Berry; that was all his tiny body needed. "Have you made any progress on your psychic powers?"

"Some. I'm able to lift that boulder and keep it in the air for five minutes before dropping it." The boulder she was talking about was thirty times Sakei's size.

"Are you able to lift us both to the other side of the creek?" he asked after finishing his berry. "It may be our only way across."

"I can try." She used her powers to lift the boulder she'd been practicing with and moved it across the creek. It got almost halfway there before her powers gave out and it dropped.

The good news was that the boulder only sank halfway into the water. Hannah could lift Sakei and herself over to the boulder, rest on it, then lift herself and Sakei the rest of the way to shore.

"Finally!" Hannah exclaimed. "We made it across!"

"OK," Sakei said after jumping out of Hannah's arms. "Now to find that village Darkrai told us about."

"It's a good thing I learned to use my psychic powers even if I can't use them for attacks."

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