Cut Story Line 2

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*This was cut from Part 3 Chapter 6; between Jenna's battle with the Ghosts and Galvantula and the reveal of her old and newly evolved friends. Originally that was where her POV ended and Jack's began, before returning to her's.*

(Jack's POV)

When Melody phoned and told us what Jake said about Jenna being at New World Labs, the rest of us got into Mr. Franklin's van while Officer Jenny and the boys took her motor bike.

Our island is large enough to have two cities, but after the incident that happened eleven years ago; the whole city was abandoned. It's now a ghost town, literally, ghost pokemon live there now; and it's a fairly popular tourist attraction.

New Worlds Lab is located on the north side of the island, just over the mountain and right across New World's largest lake. Sure we have a few smaller ones in the meadows, but none of them are more than four or five feet deep.

Once we got there Officer Jenny noticed that the chained lock on the gates was cut and there were shoe prints, not Jenna's, on the ground.

"Everyone, stay back until I give the all clear," she said as she got out her pokemon; Yanmega and Magnezone.

She then turned on her flashlight and they made their way over to the building. The rest of us were shining our own flashlights around the area; Caleb and Jaxson got startled when a Misdreavus appeared out of the side of the wall. Said Misdreavus laughed then floated away down the street.

"Next time one of those Ghost pokemon try to scare us," said Jaxson. "I'm gonna punch it!"

"With what?" Said Caleb. "Anything you use will just go right through it."

Jaxson glared.

"Would you two stop messing around and get over here," said Mrs. Tao. "Bad enough one of my students goes running off on impulse; I don't need my two nephews doing the same."

"But I thought Ben and everybody said Jenna ran away because she had a panic attack about her grandpa," said Caleb.

She sighed, "They did. But above all else. Jenna is still a teenager. Which means acting on impulse is normal."

"If it's normal," said Jaxson. "Why are you so mad?"

"Because it could get her killed! That's why!" She shouted.

That shout stunned all of us.

"Everything's clear," said Officer Jenny.

"Really? No one's about?" Asked Jake.

She shook her head.

"What about inside the building?"

She looked behind at said building, "Magnezone and Yanmega are still searching, but I would appreciate your help. We'll pair off, each one searching on a different floor."

"Who will we be paired with?" Asked Jaxson.

"You two are staying out here where it's safe," said Mrs. Tao.

Caleb and Jaxson groaned.

"Mr. Franklin, please watch them and see that they don't get into any trouble."

"Yes ma'am."

With that the rest of us went to search the building; as before Jake was paired with Melody. Ben was paired with me this time and Crystal was paired with Officer Jenny and Mrs. Tao. Also we all have our pokemon out, well those of us that have pokemon. Jake and Melody searched the first floor, Officer Jenny and company searched the third; Yanmega and Magnezone were searching the second, while Ben and I searched the basement. We each gave our assigned floors a thorough search before moving on to the next one. After we searched the building from basement to dome, we all met up back at the gates.

"Did anyone find anything anywhere?!" Exclaimed Jake.

We all mostly shook our heads.

"Well, Ben and I found this broken piece of jewelry on the dome floor," I said holding out said pieces.

"And there were foot prints both old and new all over the floor. Couldn't tell if they were Jenna's or not though, but others were definitely pokemon," added Ben.

Jake just sighed.

"She might not have reached here as of yet," offered Officer Jenny. "It's a very long walk from the school to here, even if she ran all the way."

"Is there anywhere else she might be?" Asked Melody.

"Just a place she calls 'Cresselia's Garden'. It's on the other side of the woods, on a ledge over looking the lake."

"Then that's where we're going," said Officer Jenny.

"You'll have to continue without me this time," said Mrs. Tao. "It's after eleven, I've got to get these two sleepy heads in bed," she added indicating Caleb and Jaxson. The two boys had fallen asleep inside the van.

"I'll drive y'all back to the manor," said Mr. Franklin.

Mr. Franklin left behind one Herdier for us to use while he drove Mrs. Tao and the kids home.

Acting on a hunch I had Herdier sniff the broken bracelet. He then sniffed the air. And took off towards the trees leaving us running to catch up.

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